4-bin service

What days are my bins picked up? find out on this page.

Check the bins below to see what can and cannot be put in each of our 4-bins.

FOGO ' food organics and green organics' (green) bin - Collected every two weeks

What can I put in my FOGO bin?

  • Food scraps, vegetable peels, dairy products
  • Green compostable bag liners filled with contents
  • Grass clippings, flowers, weeds, leaves
  • Small branches and twigs
  • Dog droppings / meat / fish / prawn shells
  • Coffee grounds, tea bags
  • Egg shells, hair, feathers
  • Tissues, paper towels, soiled paper for wrapping food

What can't I put in my FOGO bin?

  • Plastics or glass
  • Plastic bags
  • Wipes
  • Recyclables
  • Garbage
  • Nappies
  • Garden pots and hoses
  • String, twine or wire
  • Syringes
  • Soil, stones, brick or concrete
  • Hazardous or chemical waste
  • Stumps, large branches, timber or garden stakes
  • Metal

 If in doubt leave it out and put it in the red landfill bin

FOGO bin hints and tips

Please make sure your bin is out the night before collection and leave it out until it is emptied.


  • Place items loose in the bin and do not compact, as the bin may not empty.
  • If you line the bottom of your bin with leaves, lawn clippings are less likely to stick to the bottom.
  • Strictly no plastics or other household garbage in this.

Your Kitchen Caddy

A kitchen caddy is a container to put your food waste in before you empty it into your green FOGO bin.

You can use any container that works for you - ice-cream container and yoghurt bucket or you may prefer to buy one that matches your kitchen décor.

Avoiding odours in your kitchen caddy

  • Use a liner. 
  • Empty it regularly. 
  • Soak up the drips.
  • Keep it cool. 
  • Avoid drips and spills. 
  •  Keep it clean. 

Avoiding odours in your FOGO bin

  • Add dry materials to the bottom. 
  • Empty and wash regularly.
  • Store in the shade. 
  • Keep it closed. 

Where does your FOGO go?

It is collected in a truck and taken to a nearby commercial composting facility, where it is processed and turned into compost. The compost is then used as soil conditioner on farms in the south west.

Recycling (yellow) bin - collected every two weeks

What can I put in my recycling bin?


  • Milk bottles
  • Juice and cream containers
  • Water, sauce, cordial and cleaning product bottles
  • Plastic containers with the recycle triangle numbered 1,2 or 5

Aluminium and steel

  • All empty steel cans
  • Aluminium soft drink cans
  • Clean aluminium foil and pie trays
  • Empty aerosol cans

Paper and cardboard

  • Telephone directories
  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Cardboard, cereal and food boxes
  • Office paper
  • Envelopes and office mail

What can't I put in my recycling bin?

  • Plastic containers with the recycle triangle numbered 3, 4, 6, or 7 
  • Plastic bags
  • Food scraps
  • Polystyrene
  • Nappies
  • Food wrap
  • Glass
  • Syringes
  • Cookware
  • Light globes
  • Clothing
  • Waxed cardboard
  • Syringes
  • Batteries – including greeting cards with musical recordings and remote controls
  • Gas cylinders
  • Videos or DVDs
  • e-waste
  • Tyres
  • Oil
  • Paints
  • Timber
  • Garden pots/items hoses
  • Scrap metal/wire
  • Commercial cooking oil drums

If in doubt leave it out and put it in the red landfill bin

Recycling bin hints and tips

Please make sure your bin is out the night before collection and leave it out until it is emptied.

Your yellow recycling bin takes plastics with the recycling symbol 1 2, and 5, paper, cardboard, tin cans, and aerosols.


  • Do not place recyclables in plastic bags
  • Do not place glass or waxed cardboard in your yellow bin
  • Wash out containers to reduce odours
  • Remove lids. Most lids, even metal ones, are made from mixed materials and not accepted by our processor
    Put plastic and metal lids in the red landfill bin

What do recycling symbols with numbers mean?

On most plastic bottles, jars, containers and other packaging, you’ll find the recycling symbol with a number in the middle, and sometimes letters underneath.

The number in the triangle identifies what kind of plastic the item is made from, not whether it is recyclable.
We are only collecting plastic we know can be recycled here in Australia so only 1 and 2 go in your yellow recycling bin.

If in doubt, leave it out of your recycling bin and put it in the red landfill bin.

Recycling other items

You can recycle many items that cannot be recycled through your kerbside recycling bin. Visit Planet Ark’s Recycling near you to search for helpful recycling solutions.

Tips on how to avoid waste at sustainability.vic.gov.au

Where does your recycling go?

It is collected in a truck and taken for processing at materials recovery facility where the recyclable materials are sorted and remanufactured into new cardboard, paper, plastic products and aluminium cans.

Glass only (purple) bin - collected every four weeks

What can I put in my glass only bin?

  • Bottles (no lids)
  • Window glass and mirrors (no frames)
  • Pyrex
  • Glassware

What can't I put in my glass only bin?

  • Metal or plastic lids
  • General waste
  • Plastics
  • Ceramics / porcelain
  • Automotive glass
  • eWaste
  • Foodwaste / organics
  • Cartons / paper or cardboard

If in doubt leave it out and put it in the red landfill bin

Glass Only bin hints and tips

Please make sure your bin is out the night before collection and leave it out until it is emptied.

Glass is considered a contaminant when mixed with other recyclables because it smashes, mixing with other items making them difficult to process.

The simple act of separating glass from other recyclable materials has a positive impact on overall recycling outcomes.


  • Take off any lids - put them in the landfill bin.
  • Rinse out the containers.
  • Do not bag up your items.
  • No bottles with cigarette butts.

The cycle of glass in Moyne

Once your glass bin is emptied, it goes to the old quarry in Illowa, is crushed on-site and the material created used in road construction.

Landfill (red) bin - collected weekly

What can I put in my landfill bin?

  • Plastics with the recycle triangle numbered 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.
  • Cartons, Longlife Tetra Pak
  • General household waste
  • Tableware, ceramics
  • Nappies (wrapped)
  • Plastic bags
  • Polystyrene

What can't I put in my landfill bin?

  • Food waste
  • Glassware
  • Recyclables - Plastics with the recycle triangle numbered 1 and 2
  • Liquid waste
  • Chemicals
  • Electronic waste / Oils Paints, pesticides, or solvents
  • Building Material
  • Large heavy objects that can damage collection equipment
  • Hazardous or chemical waste, liquids, acids
  • Batteries
  • Hot ashes
  • Syringes

Landfill bin hints and tips

Please make sure your bin is out the night before collection and leave it out until it is emptied.

Your rubbish is collected weekly, even on public holidays.


  • Place items in a bag or container so they don’t blow out during collection.
  • Take other items and larger items to a waste facility.
  • Take soft plastics to supermarkets for REDCYCLE.
  • Purchase food and other items in bulk to reduce non-recyclable packaging.

Visit Planet Ark’s Recycling Near You to search for helpful recycling solutions.

For tips on how to avoid waste visit sustainability.vic.gov.au.

Where does your landfill go?

Items from your red landfill bin go to an approved landfill site where the waste is buried. It is the dead end for waste and so we encourage you to reduce, reuse and recycle to limit what goes into landfill.