Property Management Framework (web content)

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Key details

Strategic purpose and vision

The purpose of the property management framework is to provide a high level and long term-focus for the strategic management of council property assets and guide decision making in relation to council owned buildings and land to ensure that council remains responsive to the changing needs of the community.

To maintain and manage these assets, council must take a proactive approach to ensure its portfolio is financially sustainable and provides community value and is fit for purpose for residents and visitors in the municipality. In achieving this, council must periodically review its portfolio and make changes, as circumstances require.


This framework applies to all council owned or managed buildings, developed and vacant land, and structures.

It includes property where council is:

  1. The landowner or registered proprietor of freehold land (land that is free from restrictions for the benefit of the owner in perpetuity).
  2. The lessee or tenant under a lease agreement (land and/or buildings that are not in council’s ownership, but over which council has been granted exclusive possession for a specified period of time for a particular use or purpose).
  3. The appointed public land manager by another agency, such as the committee of management over Crown land on behalf of the State Government (land remaining that is not freehold land, but is reserved by His majesty the King, represented by the Victorian Governor in council, and delegated to the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) formerly known as the Department of Environment, Land, Water, and planning).

Guiding principles

Strategic alignment

Council will ensure the use, acquisition, disposal and redevelopment of council property is strategically aligned with the adopted council plan, council’s asset management plans and council strategies, the long term financial plan and other related council policies.

Community benefit

Decisions on council buildings and land assets and facilities will achieve net community benefit wherever possible.


Decisions on council’s buildings, land and assets will be transparent, equitable, consultative and consistent.

Environmental sutainability

Council will identify and implement opportunities to build resilience to climate change for council buildings and embed best practice sustainability principles into the management of land and buildings.


For all property asset use, occupation, tenure arrangements and development, council will consider the different needs of people of all genders, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, physical and mental ability and less obvious differences including family status, religious beliefs, cultural backgrounds, marital status, education level and other work and life perspectives or experiences to ensure resources are distributed and used equally.

Fit for purpose

Buildings and land assets will deliver agreed levels of service to the organisation and the community, be safe and compliant with legislation.

Financial sustainability

Decisions on council buildings and land assets will consider the capital cost and the resources to maintain and renew its assets.


Council will seek alternative opportunities for providing services and assets with 'best value’ options will be applied including lease, purchase, and private public partnerships.

Balanced portfolio

The property portfolio should endeavour to balance community, commercial and council demands with financial imperatives and the need to deliver services to the community.

Commercial portfolio

Where council manages properties for returning a commercial profit, council will act as a commercial agent.

Processes and procedure

Council will ensure the ongoing planning and management of the property portfolio is effective by:

  1. Investing in regular property condition and performance audits to understand performance and to mitigate risk
  1. Maintaining property and asset registers which contains information relevant to each property to ensure effective and efficient monitoring and management
  2. Operating an asset management system which stores all key property data and implements tools to support modelling, reporting and decision making; and
  3. Ensuring information sharing and synergy between systemsto support decision making across council departments.

Council is committed to ensuring that the ownership, acquisition, disposal, gifting and development of council property which reflects the highest and best use of council resources, taking into account the guiding principles.

In particular, council will only own property where:

  • The property will contribute directly to the current service delivery requirements of council; and/or
  • The property is required to be owned by council currently or in the future as part of a plan or strategy or requirement of future communities

Council will only acquire, develop, dispose or sell property where a land assessment has been undertaken having regard to the matters set out in council’s land assessment process and a proposal clearly articulates the cost benefits to council and alignment to the council plan and policies. Such transactions will be required to meet all relevant probity, accountability and transparency standards. from time to time, council will need to divest interests in property in response to property that is underperforming, is surplus to needs or its use is to leverage against other strategic outcomes.

The following criteria will apply to any sale or exchange of council property:

  • Council must undertake a land assessment and determine that the property is not required for retention
  • Council must undertake appropriate due diligence and research in accordance with legislative requirements
  • Follow the general principles for the sale of land as provided in the local government best practice guidelines 2009
  • Any sale or exchange of land that is not for full market value or is not via a public process should be explained clearly in consultation with the community
  • Proceeds from all disposals or sales of council property are to be placed in a property fund and are to be used for the future development and/or management of property
  • To consolidate land or assets to improve service delivery.


Related policies

  • Property Management Policy
  • Lease Operational Procedure
  • Community Engagement Policy
  • Property Lease Policy
  • Capital Projects on Council Owned or Controlled Land Policy
  • Buildings and Contents Insurance – Halls and Recreation Reserves
  • Asset Sales Aand Proceeds Disbursement Policy
  • Property Leasing Policy
  • Lease Operational Procedure
  • Procurement Policy
  • Open Space Strategy
  • Asset Plan
  • Community Grants and Annual Contributions Policy
  • Asset Management Policy

All personal information collected by Moyne Shire Council in connection with this framework shall be handled in accordance with all applicable privacy legislation and will be held in strictest confidence, except where otherwise required by legislation.

This framework vision has been assessed as compliant with the obligations and objectives of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006