Council Expense

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Key details

  • Policy numberGov-32
  • Adopted by Council30 July 2024
  • Review dateAugust 2028
  • Version number003
  • Approved byCouncil

1. Purpose and intent of the policy

This policy supports councillors and members of delegated committees to perform their role, as defined under the Local Government Act 2020, by ensuring that expenses reasonably incurred in the performance of their role are reimbursed. The policy also provides guidance on:

  • entitlements
  • processes for reimbursement
  • reporting requirements.

The policy is intended to ensure that councillors and members of delegated committees are supported to perform their duties without disadvantage.

2. Policy objective

Councillor duties are those performed by a councillor as a necessary part of their role, in achieving the objectives of council.

These duties may include (but are not limited to):

  • Attendance at meetings of council and its committees
  • attendance at briefing sessions, workshops, civic events or functions convened by council
  • Attendance at conferences, workshops and training programs related to the role of councillor, mayor or deputy mayor
  • Attendance at meetings, events or functions representing council
  • Duties in relation to constituents concerning council business.

Members of delegated committees exercise powers of councillors, under delegation. This policy also applies to those members in the course of undertaking their role as delegated committee members.

3. Who this policy applies to

This policy applies to all councillors of Moyne Shire Council, and members of delegated committees of council.

4. Definitions of key terms and acronyms used within this policy


A carer is defined under section 4 of the Carers Recognition Act 2012

Delegated committee

Delegated committees are defined under section 63 of the Local Government Act 2020

5. Policy details

Councillors and members of delegated committees are entitled, under section 40 of the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act), to reimbursement of expenses reasonably incurred in the performance of their duties.

This policy ensures that the reimbursement of these expenses is in accordance with the Act and meets the Act's principles of public transparency achieving the best outcomes for the municipal community and ensuring the ongoing financial viability of the council.

Councillors and members of delegated committees will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses that are:

  • Bona fide expenses and
  • have been reasonably incurred in the performance of the role of councillor and
  • are reasonably necessary for the councillor and member of a delegated committee to perform this role.

Carer and dependent-related expenses

Council will provide reimbursement of costs where the provision of childcare is reasonably required for a councillor or member of a delegated committee to perform their role (s 41(2)(c)).

This applies to the care of a dependent, while the councillor or delegated committee member is undertaking their official duties and may include expenses such as hourly fees and booking fees, if applicable.

Council will provide reimbursement of costs where the provision of carer services is reasonably required when a councillor or delegated committee member who is a carer (see definitions) incurs reasonable expenses in the performance of their duties (s 41(2)(d)).

Payments for carer and childcare services will not be made to a person who resides with the councillor or delegated committee member has any financial or pecuniary interest with the councillor or delegated committee member or has a relationship with the councillor, delegated committee member or their partner.

Councillor travel expenses

Out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of travel relating to the following events will be reimbursed:

  • Meetings of council (ordinary and special), council briefings, committee meetings of the council
  • Inspections or meetings with 3rd parties in relation to councillor duties
  • Training or conferences the councillor is attending which council has paid for
  • Other official council meetings, events or functions attended in the capacity as a councillor.

Wherever practical, travel expenses should be paid for in advance by the council, to minimise out-of-pocket expense claims. Councillors should seek to use a council pool car where possible for travel involved in performing their duties. Travel should always be undertaken using the most direct route and economical mode of transport as practical.

Travel claims will be from the councillor's notified place of normal residence. Travel in private vehicles will be reimbursed as per the rates prescribed in the Victorian Local Authorities Award, as varied from time to time.

Remote area travel allowance for councillors

Councillors are entitled to receive a remote area travel allowance as prescribed by the relevant Order in Council published in the Victorian Government Gazette. The remote area travel allowance for councillors applies to travelling more than 50 km from home to attend official meetings or functions per day. The remote area allowance only applies when the councillor travels more than 50 km only from home to the official meetings or functions not the return trip. The current allowance is equal to $47.50 per day up to a maximum of $5,937.50 per annum.

Training, conferences and professional development

Councillors will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses for approved training and development opportunities relating to their capacity as a councillor. Such activities must be attended in the capacity as a representative of the council, not as an individual.

Refer Councillor Attendance at Conferences and Seminars Policy for further details on the approval process for attending conference and or seminars in an official council capacity.

Members of council committees - typical expenses which may be reimburse

It is expected that members of delegated committees of council will only require reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses related to travel to committee meetings or any other duties related to committee business.

Wherever practical, travel expenses should be paid for in advance by the council, to minimise out-of-pocket expense claims. Committee members should seek to use a council pool car where possible for travel involved in performing their duties. Travel should always be undertaken using the most direct route and economical mode of transport as practical.

Travel claims will be from the committee member's notified place of normal residence. Travel in private vehicles will be reimbursed as per the rates prescribed in Victorian Local Authorities Award, as varied from time to time.

Process for reimbursements

Expenses will be reimbursed when the following procedures are maintained:

  • Wherever possible, expenses should be paid for in advance by the council, to minimise out-of-pocket expense claims.
  • The claim must be submitted by completing the relevant reimbursement request form (either the councillor general expense claim form or the councillor travelling claim form) within 60 days of the expense being incurred.
  • Itemised receipts/invoices must be provided as support for expenses which are being claimed. Failure to provide an itemised receipt/invoice may result in the claim being denied.
  • Reimbursements will be paid in arrears.
  • The CEO will approve all requests for reimbursement.

Monitoring, evaluation and review

An annual report of all councillor and delegated committee member expenses will be provided to Council, and the Council's Audit and Risk Management Committee.

The report will include:

  • expenses incurred by councillors during the financial year period
  • reimbursements made by councillors during the financial year period.

6. Relevant legislation / references

Section 41 Local Government Act 2020

Councillor Attendance at Conferences and Seminars Policy

Resources and Facilities for Councillors

Public Transparency Policy

7. Gender impact assessment

A gender impact assessment was not undertaken. The policy, program or service was deemed to not have a direct and significant impact on the public.

8. Human rights commitment

It is considered that this policy does not impact negatively on any rights identified in the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.

9. Policy owner

Director Community and Corporate Support