Community Assistance Fund

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Key details

  • Policy numberCCS-10
  • Adopted by Council25 June 2024
  • Review dateJune 2025
  • Version number03
  • Approved byCouncil

1. Purpose and intent of the policy

This policy provides rationale for the Moyne Shire Community Assistance Fund.

2. Policy objective

This policy will apply to Moyne Shire councillors and staff regarding the equitable distribution of the Community Assistance Fund and the subsequent development and review of the Community Assistance Fund guidelines. council recognise Community Assistance Fund contributions help community groups achieve their operational goals and objectives and as such, these groups will prioritise projects for application.

Through the Community Assistance Fund, council aims to build stronger communities within the shire. The program is designed to facilitate a self-help culture among community groups, where it can address known barriers to experiencing access and use of community facilities including sporting infrastructure. It encourages broader partnerships between regional investors, philanthropic groups and State / Federal Government agencies to work in partnership with council to promote long term outcomes that benefit the wider community.

This program assists council to deliver on adopted policies and plans such as Disability Inclusion and Access Plan, Aboriginal Engagement and Partnership Plan, Fair Access Policy and Arts and Culture Strategy.

The Objective of the Community Assistance Fund is to:

  • progress community driven projects that improve the quality and accessibility of community managed facilities in the shire and enable equitable use for all genders and abilities
  • improve and enhance equipment that is available to support the provision of community activities, programs and services
  • increase the range of, and access to recreational, social, cultural and environmental activities, programs and services and creative pursuit
  • support capacity building initiatives and socially responsible community activities
  • support community group projects that can provide maximum benefit to the Moyne community
  • encourage and support the principles of fair access and equity.

3. Definitions of key terms and acronyms used within this policy

Community groups

Community groups are considered to be not-for-profit, incorporated groups under the Corporations Act who are located within the geographic boundaries of the Moyne Shire and / or external groups that can demonstrate a clear, predominant benefit to the Moyne Shire communities.

Community facilities

Community facilities are considered land or infrastructure owned or controlled by council, State or Federal Government or private trust, where it can be clearly established there is ongoing community use and management.

Council contribution

Council funding contributions are divided into two contribution categories:

  • No contribution is required from the applicant.
    1. This enables a timely response to immediate or urgent purchases
    2. The amount is set annually as part of the Community Assistance Fund guidelines and is dependent on the council budget allocation. It is a small amount that allows for small purchases
  • Contributions from the applicant are required, equal to council contribution, up to a nominated amount, recognised as $1:$1
    1. This supports a self-help philosophy and provides opportunity to leverage greater economic benefits within the community
    2. The amount is set annually as part of the Community Assistance Fund guidelines and is dependent on the council budget allocation

Projects where the total project value is greater than the $1:$1 council contribution category, may be referred to council's annual capital works program for independent assessment.


Equipment purchased using Community Assistance Funding is:

  • used to assist with facility maintenance such as mowers, trailers and maintenance tool
  • used to deliver activities such as electrical, sporting and IT equipment, appliances, furniture, BBQs
  • used to promote safety and first aid such as goal post padding
  • used to protect and promote the natural environment such as tools and volunteer equipment.

Community strength

Community strength refers to the extent to which resources and processes within a community maintain and enhance both individual and collective wellbeing in ways consistent with the principles of equity, comprehensiveness, participation, self-reliance and social responsibility. "What is meant by community strength?" Alan Black, Philip Hughes 2001.

Capital works

Capital works refers to any project that requires works to infrastructure such as buildings, playing surfaces, or trails.

Funded organisations

Not-for-profit, community based organisations or agencies who receive access to standard or regulatory-based funding or receive funding from a government authority such as:

  • Cemetery trust
  • Emergency services
  • School councils
  • Not for profit health and wellbeing organisations
  • Leadership, arts, cultural, sport, recreation or environmental programs and services
  • Youth services
  • Church groups

These groups are based in Moyne.

4. Who this policy applies to

This policy applies to applicants, administrators and assessors of the Community Assistance Fund.

5. Policy details


Community Assistance Fund guidelines will be reviewed and endorsed annually by council, prior to advertising to the community.

In-kind contributions allowance are not included as part of the budget model. Where an applicant is required to contribute $1:$1 the expectation is that these projects require available cash flow for implementation.

Project categories

The following categories define the project funding groups


The Community Assistance Fund supports the opportunity for groups to purchase equipment that delivers the objectives of the program.

Community strengthening

Projects and activities that promote community strength include:

  • Governance, strategic planning, professional development, conference registration fees or special activities / programs that support the sustainability and professionalism of community groups and associations and promotes diverse representation
  • Leisure and wellbeing activities that promote fitness and physical activity through sport and recreation activities or which promote and support the health and wellbeing of residents and groups within the shire
  • Coaching clinics and education courses for officials, administrators or relevant community members that and are delivered by a recognised body or agency. These courses encourage diverse participation
  • Projects that support the cultural and social diversity of the community or assist the integration of people with recognised participation barriers
  • Programs that directly support the health, wellbeing and inclusion of young people (15-25 years) living in the shire

Capital works

Infrastructure assets underpin community development and community connections, respond to environmental factors, support economics and social activity and make a significant contribution to the liveability of the Moyne shire. Programs that facilitate capital renewal, upgrade, maintenance and planning programs can include:

  • Repair or renewal of existing facilities such as roofing, fencing, painting and other asset improvements
  • Upgrade, development or renewal of infrastructure that addresses known barriers to participation and use of the facility including gender equitable amenities, accessible toilet, veranda, access ramps
  • Development of concept plans, building plans, asbestos audits, quantity surveyor costings, architect fees, planning and building permit fees and similar as part of project planning or implementatio
  • Other structures that would be regarded as permanent fixtures, or works / projects that require a planning, building or other statutory permi
  • Energy efficiency and environmentally sustainable initiatives such as solar power or installation of rainwater tanks, water saving devices and irrigation systems

Funded organisations program

The Community Assistance Fund will assess and support applications from groups that meet the Community Assistance Fund  guidelines. As a group already funded by an alternative authority, council will provide support up to the value of the minimum contribution range listed in the annual Community Assistance Fund guidelines.

Funding criteria

The Community Assistance Fund will not allocate funding where the applicant is:

  • Not an incorporated body (if the applicant is not incorporated they must use an incorporated auspice body to apply
  • Seeking funding for recurrent operational costs including staffing and wages
  • Seeking retrospective funding for activities, programs and projects that have commenced or are complete
  • Groups that are overseen by government authority and/or provided substantial funding support
  • Proposing projects that promote, advocate or support religious, discriminatory or party-political views or are for the purposes of advocacy or membership growth
  • Proposing activities or programs that meet the criteria of alternative council funded grant programs such as the festivals and events program
  • Requesting funding for projects already funded by council
  • Proposing programs, assets, equipment or activities that receive or can receive funding from another level of government or agency for the same project
  • Has an outstanding grant acquittal with council
  • Has an outstanding debt with council
  • Seeking funding for fixed assets on private land or does not have a land use agreement, where appropriate
  • Incorporated community groups cannot show evidence they are working towards the development of a portfolio of policies that ensure equitable, safe and well governed practices to successfully manage operations

Assessment criteria

All applications are assessed using a series of weighted criteria that meet the Community Assistance Fund objectives. The preparedness of the applications is determined on the readiness of the project to commence and meet the funding timeframes and the submission of all relevant documentation requested for each category within the Community Assistance Fund  guidelines.

Conflict of interest

The Moyne Shire Staff Code of Conduct (PC012) requires all council employees to act impartially and with integrity, avoiding real or apparent conflicts of interest. A bias must not affect public duty, nor ever serve a private interest.

To ensure an accountable and transparent assessment process, councillors and/or council officers assessing grant applications are required to declare potential or perceived conflicts of interest. This may include, but is not limited to, personal connections with any applicant. Anyone having a conflict of interest should not debate, be involved with any discussions, or vote on any matter relating to the specific applicant. A declaration of "No conflict of interest" by all council officers assessing and councillors when actioning as part of the evaluation process.

6. Relevant legislation / references

Local Government Act 2020

Community Assistance Fund guidelines

7. Gender impact assessment

A gender impact assessment has been completed on Community Assistance Fund. Doc ID 1220379

8. Human rights commitment

It is considered that this policy does not impact negatively on any rights identified in the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.

9. Policy owner

Manager Cultural and Community Development

10. Document history

Version 003

Date endorsed 25 June 2024

Reason for change Annual review of guidelines and policy