Freedom of Information Part II Statement

Moyne Shire Council (“Council”) aim to make our information and documents easily accessible by members of the public. The statements listed in the part II statement outline the functions of Council and provide a non-exhaustive list of the types of information and documents we hold in relation to our functions.

In accordance with Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (‘the Act”). The purpose is to provide an overview of the types of documents kept by the Moyne Shire Council and explains the Freedom of Information process.

Section 7 of the Act requires all agencies, to publish a set of statements that describe their powers and functions, the documents and information they keep and the ways people can view or get copies of them.

We aim to make our information and documents easily accessible by members of the public. Refer to accessing our information Freedom of Information

Organisations and functions

This page outlines the functions of Council. Council performs its functions through the enforcement and administration of a large number of Victorian Acts and regulations plus Council local laws.

About Moyne Shire Council

Acknowledgement to Traditional Owners

Moyne Shire Council Principal Officer (CEO)

Organisational Structure


As prescribed under Section 8 of the Local Government Act 2020, the functions of Council, which may be performed both inside and outside the municipality, include:

  • Advocating and promoting proposals which are in the best interests of the local community
  • Planning for and providing services and facilities for the local community
  • Providing and maintaining community infrastructure in the municipal district
  • Undertaking strategic and land use planning for the municipal district
  • Raising revenue to enable the Council to perform its functions
  • Making and enforcing local laws
  • Exercising, performing, and discharging the duties, functions, and powers of Councils under this Act and other Acts
  • Any other function relating to the peace, order, and good government of the municipal district

The following list indicates as far as practicable the Acts, Regulations and Local Laws that apply to Council.

To achieve our objectives Council provide the following services:


Aged and disability services


Local law enforcement

Arts, recreation and cultural services

Maternal and child health services

Building control

Planning and development control

Building maintenance

Port of Port Fairy

Caravan parks

Public Conveniences

Coastal and environment

Rates and Information technology

Community development

Road Maintenance and works

Customer service

Street lighting

Economic Development

Sustainability and environment

Energy Projects

Tourism development

Engineering services

Visitor information

Environmental health

Waste disposal

Event Support Services

Youth services

Finance, risk and audit







Decision making powers

Council derives its decision making powers primarily from the Local Government Act 2020. Decisions are made at Ordinary Meetings of Council with Special Meetings of Council called to deal with any urgent matters that may arise.

Council meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month except for January and December 2023 (subject to public holidays) at the Council Office in Mortlake and are open to the public. Council’s Meetings are Live Streamed on our Facebook page. Minutes of these meetings are publicly available and can be accessed on Council’s website here

Meeting Schedule

Council meetings will be live streamed to Council’s Facebook page

Further details of specific decision-making powers held by Council and Council officers in relation to the above legislation and other legislations can be found in Council's Instruments of Delegation, which are available publicly on Council’s website Council Delegations

Council Adopted Policies

Consultative Arrangements


Delegated Committee

Council has one Delegated Committee under section 63 of the Local Government Act 2020:

Port of Port Fairy Delegated Committee

The Port of Port Fairy Delegated Committee includes two Councillors with one councillor chair of the delegated committee. Section 61 of the Local Government Act 2020 applies to a meeting of a delegated committee as does part 3 of the Council Governance Rules.

Available for inspection are: terms of reference that; specify the powers, duties or functions of the committee; define who will be members of the committee; set out any reporting requirements to the Council; and include any other matters that the Council considers appropriate. Agenda and minutes are available on Council website here.

Community Asset Committee

Advisory Committees

Public Transparency

Governance Rules

Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020 adopt Governance Rules.

The purpose of Governance Rules is to specify:

a)    How the Mayor will be elected;

b)    Procedures for the conduct of Council and delegated committee meetings;

c)    Arrangements for public participation in Council meetings;

d)    Procedures for disclosing conflicts of interest;

e)    How records of Council meetings will be kept;

f)      The Council’s election caretaker policy; and

g)    How Council’s common seal is used

Local Laws


Council performs its functions through the enforcement and administration of a large number of Victorian Acts. The following list indicates as far as practicable the Acts, Regulations and Local Laws that apply to Council.

Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006


Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990


Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012


National Parks Act 1975


Audit Act 1994


Pipelines Act 2005


Building Act 1993


Privacy And Data Protection Act 2014


Catchment And Land Protection Act 1994


Professional Engineers Registration Act 2019


Child Wellbeing And Safety Act 2005


Public Health And Wellbeing Act 2008


Children Youth And Families Act 2005

Children’s Services Act 1996


Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012


Climate Change Act 2017


Public Records Act 1973


Conservation, Forests And Land Act 1987


Road Management Act 2004


Country Fire Authority Act 1958


Road Safety Act 1986


Cultural And Recreational Lands Act 1963


Rooming House Operators Act 2016


Dangerous Goods Act 1985


Second Hand Dealers And Pawnbrokers Act 1989


Development Victoria Act 2003


Service Victoria Act 2018


Disability Act 2006


Sex Work Act 1994


Domestic Animals Act 1994


Sheriff Act 2009


Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995


Sport And Recreation Act 1972


Education And Care Services National Law Act 2010


Subdivision Act 1988


Education And Training Reform Act 2006


Summary Offences Act 1966


Electricity Safety Act 1998


Taxation Administration Act 1997


Electoral Act 2002


Transfer Of Land Act 1958


Emergency Management Act 2013


Transport Integration Act 2010


Environment Protection Act 2017


Valuation Of Land Act 1960


Estate Agents Act 1980


Victorian Environmental Assessment Council Act 2001


Family Violence Protection Act 2008


Victorian Local Government Grants Commission Act 1976


Fences Act 1968


Victoria State Emergency Service Act 2005


Filming Approval Act 2014


Victorian Data Sharing Act 2017


Fines Reform Act 2014


Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011


Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958 Formerly Known As The Metropolitan Fire Brigades Act 1958


Victorian Planning Authority Act 2017


Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012


Water Act 1989


Flora And Fauna Guarantee Act 1988


Building Regulations 2018


Food Act 1984


Country Fire Authority Regulations 2004


Freedom Of Information Act 1982


Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2011


Gambling Regulation Act 2003


Drugs, Poisons And Controlled Substances Regulations 2017


Gender Equality Act 2020


Environment Protection Regulations 2021


Graffiti Prevention Act 2007


Infringements Regulations 2016


Great Ocean Road And Environs Protection Act 2020


Land Acquisition And Compensation Regulations 2010


Health Records Act 2001


Local Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations 2021


Heavy Vehicle National Law 2012


Local Government (General) Regulations 2015


Heritage Act 2017


Local Government (Planning And Reporting) Regulations 2020


Housing Act 1983


Occupational Health And Safety Regulations 2017


Impounding Of Livestock Act 1994


Public Health And Wellbeing Regulations 2019


Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2011


Public Health And Wellbeing (Prescribed Accommodation) Regulations 2009


Infringements Act 2006


Road Safety Road Rules 2017


Land Act 1958


Road Safety (General) Regulations 2019


Land Acquisition And Compensation Act 1986


Road Safety (Traffic Management) Regulations 2019


Livestock Disease Control Act 1994


Road Safety (Vehicles) Interim Regulations 2020


Liquor Control Reform Act 1998


Subdivision (Fees) Regulations 2016


Local Government Act 2020


Subdivision (Procedures) Regulations 2011


Local Government Act 1989


Subdivision (Registrar's Requirements) Regulations 2011


Magistrates' Court Act 1989


Miscellaneous And Administrative Powers


Marine And Coastal Act 2018



Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009




Libraries or Reading Rooms

The public are able to attend any of the Moyne Shire Offices to read publically available documents. Our offices are located at:

Princes St Port Fairy

Jamieson St Mortlake

Documents are also available here

There are three libraries in Moyne at Koroit, Mortlake and Port Fairy. Refer to Corangamite Moyne Library Service  for further information or libraries.

Categories and Documents

Moyne Shire Council creates and stores information relating to Council business. The documents created or received are distributed and stored electronically with some hardcopy records.

The types of document we have in our possession in our six main libraries of our Electronic Data Records Management System (EDRMS) include:


Documents relating to Personnel


Policies Strategies and Procedures


Records of individual properties

Planning and building applications

Notices of acquisition and disposition

Changes to account details

Pension concession applications

Roads and streets

Records that are specific to construction and design of roads and streets

Service requests

Customer service requests

Subject Files

All remaining records of documents categorised include:


Asset Management

Community Relations

Community Services

Contract Management

Corporate Management

Economic Development

Emergency Management

Environmental Health Management

Environmental Health

Financial Management


Grants and subsidies

Information communication technology Management

Information Management

Infrastructure Management

Laws and Enforcement

Meetings and committees

People and Culture

Planning and Land Use

Plant and Equipment Management

Rates and Charges

Recreation Events and Cultural Services

Risk Management

Waste Management




Freedom of Information Arrangements

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act) provides you with the right to request access to documents held by Moyne Shire Council.

The object of the Act is to extend as far as possible the right of the community to access information in the possession of the Government and other bodies constituted under the law of Victoria.

Freedom of Information - the arrangements


Council publish a monthly enewsletter – Messages from Moyne and is available on our website. Please follow this link to register for the enewsletter –

A monthly business and economic development newsletter provides an update for business owners operating in Moyne. Subscription to the newsletters is accessible on our website

Mailing Lists of enewsletters:

· Messages from Moyne

Business and Economic Development Newsletter Link to register

 · What’s on flyer – weekly visitor services Link to register:

Port Fairy Caravan Parks Newsletter (seasonal)

Link to register:


Updates for web pages are available via email Websites:


Social Media






































Documents available for Public Inspection


Section 66 of the Local Government Act 2020 – Meetings to be open to the public unless specified circumstances apply

66 (5) If a Council or delegated committee determines that a meeting is to be closed to the public to consider confidential information, the Council or delegated committee must record in the minutes of the meeting that are available for public inspection-

(a)  The ground or grounds for determining to close the meeting to the public by reference to the grounds specified in the definition of confidential information in section 3(1):

and (b) An explanation of why the specified ground or grounds applied Council maintain a number of documents which are available for Public Inspection. A non-exhaustive summary of documents Available for Inspection under the Local Government Act 2020 or any other Act or Regulations is provided below. Moyne website search engine should be used to locate documents.

Document Type

Detail of document

How is information made publicly available

Agendas, minutes and reports

Agendas and unconfirmed Minutes of Council and Delegated Committee meetings are available for Public Inspection other than agendas and minutes relating to a part of a meeting which was closed to members of the public.

As soon as practicable after conclusion of a Council meeting.

Available on website

Agenda and Minutes

Community Asset Committee Meetings minutes


Available on request


Agenda and Minutes


Advisory Committee Meetings minutes

Available on request


Authorised Officers


Section 224 (1A) a register under the Local Government Act 1989 showing the names of all officers appointed to be authorised Officers


Available for Inspection


Power of Delegation


Section 11 (8) of the Local Government Act 2020. Council must keep a public register of delegations. Refer to S5 Instrument of Delegation to CEO.


Available on website


Delegations by Chief Executive Officer


Local Government Act 2020 47(7) A Chief Executive Officer must keep a register of delegations made under this section.

Available on website


Personal Interests Return

Local Government Act 2020 section 135 Public access to summary of personal interests

Available on website


Summary of an Election Campaign Return

Section 308 other matters relating to summaries of returns. 308(2) Summary of an election campaign donation return available until the close of the roll for the next general election

Available on website

Council Expenses Policy

Section 41 Local Government Act 2020 Council expenses policy

Available on website


Councillor Code of Conduct

Local Government Act 2020 Division 5-Councillor Conduct. Section 139 Councillor Code of Conduct

Available on website


Remuneration Policy

Local Government Act 2020 Division 7- Chief Executive Officer and members of Council staff. Section 45 Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy

Available on website


The Chief Executive Officer

Local Government Act 2020 Division 7- Chief Executive Officer and members of Council staff. Section 44 The Chief Executive Officer

Available on website


Members of Council Staff Recruitment Policy

Local Government Act 2020 section 48 (2) A CEO must adopt and maintain a recruitment policy

Within 6 months of provision commencing due 31 December 2021


Local Laws

· A copy of any Council proposed local laws and explanatory documents setting out prescribed details in relation to the local laws (s119) LGA 1989

From 1 July 2021 under Local Government Act 2020 Section 73 Proposing a local law, Council must make a local law in accordance with its community engagement policy. 73(3)(c)(i) and (ii)

A copy of the proposed local law is available for inspection as per community engagement policy.

Section 75 a copy a Local Law made under section 74 is available for inspection

Available at Council Office during office hours and on website


Local Laws

Publish a Notice of the Local Law after the Local Law is made and make a copy of the Local Law available for inspection. Local Government Act 2020

Section 74 Making a Local Law

Available at Council office’s during office hours and on website


Council Plan

· A copy of the current Council Plan (s125), available on Council's website

In accordance with our Public Transparency Principles. Council makes the 4 year Council Plan publicly available

Available on website



· A copy of the current Strategic Resource Plan (s126), summarised in Council Plan and also incorporated in Budget


Available at Council office’s during office hours and on website


Council Budget

· A copy of the Budget or Revised Budget (s130), available on Council's website

The Council annual budget and any revised budget

The Budget; Section 94 Local Government Act 2020, Revised budget section 95 and preparation section 96 are subject to community engagement policy and public transparency principles

Available at Council office’s during office hours and on website


Annual Report and auditors report on financial statements

· A copy of the Annual Report and the associated Auditors Report on the Financial Statements (s131), available on Council's website

Council’s Public Transparency Principles makes available the Annual report and Auditors report on the Financial Statements under sections 98 and 99 of the Local Government Act 2020

Section 100 the Mayor must report on the implementation of the Council Plan by presenting the annual report at a Council meeting open to the Public

Available at Council office’s during office hours and on website


Rates, Charges and Valuations

· Details regarding differential rates declared by Council (s161)

· Where Council has given public notice of an intention to declare a special rate, a special charge, or a combination of both, copies of the proposed declaration will be available for at least 28 days after the publication of the notice (s163).

Section 28A(2) Local Government Act 1989 The Council must undertake a community engagement process before making a decision to change its system of valuation

Available at Council office’s during office hours and on website


Procurement Policy

Division 2 section 108 Local Government Act 2020 Procurement Policy, under Council’s Public Transparency Principles the document is available

Available at Council office’s during office hours and on website


Planning Applications

Section 51 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 Applications to be made available to the public. The responsible authority must make a copy of every application and the prescribed information supplied in respect of it, available in accordance with public availability requirements


Available in accordance with the public availability requirements


Planning Permit Register

Availability of permit section 70 Planning and Environment Act 1987

The responsible authority must make a copy of every permit that it issues available in accordance with the public availability requirements


Register available in accordance with Public Availability Requirements


Planning permits register

Section 49 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. A register containing prescribed information in respect of all applications for permits and decisions and determinations relating to permits


Register available in accordance with Public Availability Requirements


Moyne Planning Scheme

Section 42 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. A copy of an up to date Planning Scheme


Available for Inspection or on website


Objections to applications for Permits


Section 57 (5) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, must make a copy of every objection available in accordance with public availability requirements until the end of the period which an application may be made for review of a decision on the application

Copy available in accordance with public availability requirements


Panel reports to be made public


Section 26 a copy of panel hearing reports on submissions to amend planning scheme

Available for inspection


Building permits register

Register Building Permits under section 31 Building Act 1993


Available for Inspection


Occupancy Permits, temporary approvals / amendments

A register of occupancy permits, temporary approvals, and amendments section 74 Building Act 1993


Available for inspection


Register of emergency orders, building notices or building orders


Section 126 of the Building Act. A register of all emergency orders, building notices or building orders given to the Council

Available for inspection


Building Permits

Council has a duty to make available on request of owner or mortgagee or person authorised in writing by owner or mortgagee under Regulation 50 of Building Regulations 2018


Available on request


Designated Special Area Map

Part 10 Designation of special areas for building work. Building Regulations 2018

Available to the public for inspection without charge at the offices of the council during normal business hours

Available for inspection


Copies of directions to fix building work

Regulation 175 Building Regulations 2018 Relevant building surveyor to keep and make available directions to fix building work.

Available for inspection by any person during office hours

Available for inspection


Domestic animal register


Dog and Cat registration register section 18 Domestic Animals Act 1994


Available for inspection, upon payment of fee fixed by Council

Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP)

Section 12 (3) of the Gender Equality Act 2020. In submitting the GEAP to the commissioner. A defined entity must publish the completed GEAP on its website. Currently in development in line with the Gender Equality Act 2020

Available on website


Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register


Local Government Act 2020, Division 4 sections 137 & 138

Available on website


Food Premises

Food Act 1984, section 43 Records of registration (3) records in relation to a food premises


Available on request


Register of public roads

Section 19 of the Road Management Act 2004. Register of Public Roads of which Moyne is the coordinating road authority

Available for inspection


Road Management Plan

Section 55 of the Road Management Act. Upon making of a Road Management Plan, the road authority must cause notice of the place where the plan may be inspected


Available for inspection


Public Interest Disclosure procedures

Procedures and Policy for Public Interests Disclosures under section 58 of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 and section 59 procedures - requirements, must ensure readily available to the public.


Available on website


Public Health and Wellbeing Plan

Section 26(7) of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 the current municipal health and wellbeing Plan must be available for public inspection

Available on website




Rules, Policies and Procedures

Freedom of Information Act 1982, Section 8. The Freedom of Information Act 1982 requires Council to make available certain documents for inspection and purchase. This statement applies to documents that are provided by Council for the use or guidance of Council or its officers in:

· making decisions/recommendations; and

· providing advice to persons outside Council with respect to rights, privileges, benefits, obligations, penalties.

This list is not an exhaustive list of documents used by Council or its officers, it is an example of documents which are frequently referred to. Many of the documents are available directly for download through Councils website.

For Plans, Council Reports, Annual Report and Strategies etc refer here

For Council Adopted Policies refer here

Alternatively contact Council’s Freedom of Information Officer

Area of Council



Community Engagement Framework


Community Vision

Community Engagement Policy – February 2021

Logo use Guidelines

Corporate Business and Economic Development

Crown Land Leasing Guidelines: Leasing Legislation Author: Department of Sustainability and Environment

Leasing Policy for Crown Land in Victoria 2010 Author: Department of Sustainability and Environment

Strategic master plan for the Great Ocean Road Region Visitor Economy 2015-2025

Economic Development Strategy

Corporate and Community Support


Arts Acquisition Management Policy


Arts and Culture strategy

Community Access Plan


Community Engagement Framework


Community Engagement Policy

Community Infrastructure Contribution Policy


Community Vision

Disability Awareness Policy

Early Childhood Services Municipal Cooperation

Electronic Gaming Machine Policy


Fees for use of Council Properties

Health and Wellbeing Plan

Homecare guidelines


Kindergartens Service Policy

Library Services Review

No Smoking Policy


Moyne Futures Community Plan

Young Achievers Program

Youth Strategy

Corporate and Community Support - Children's Services

Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations

Administration of First Aid

Administration of Medication



Child Safe Environment

Community Safety Plan

Complaints and Grievances

Curriculum Development (Children’s Program)

Dealing with Infectious Diseases

Dealing with Medical Conditions

Delivery and Collection of Children

Determining Responsible Person


Emergency and Evacuation

Enrolment and Orientation

Environmental Sustainability strategy


Excursions and Service Events


Food Safety

Governance and Management of the Service


Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness

Inclusion and Equity

Information and Communication Technology

Interactions with children

Kindergartens Service Policy

Municipal Early Years Plan

Nutrition and Active Play

Occupational Health and Safety

Participation of Volunteers and Students

Privacy and Confidentiality

Relaxation and Sleep

Sun Protection

Supervision of children

Water Safety

Emergency Management

Municipal Emergency Management Plan

Municipal Fire Prevention Plan

Municipal Neighbourhood Safer Places Plan

Environmental Management


A to Z guide to waste and recycling

Coastal Action Plan

Coastal Action Plan

Crags Management Plan

Curdies River Estuary Management Plan

Environmental Sustainability Strategy

Koroit Botanic Gardens Conservation Plan

Koroit Botanic Gardens Master plan

Moyne Shire Council Tree Report

Moyne Shire Roadside Conservation Plan

Port Fairy Botanic Gardens Conservation Plan

Roadside Conservation Plan

Stormwater Management Plan

Street Litter Bin Replacement Program

Sustainable Water Use Plan

Tea Tree Lake Master plan

Waste Facilities Management Plan

Waste Facilities Management Plan – Transfer Stations Options Paper

Waste management procedure

Waste cash handling and receipting procedure

Resource Recovery procedure

Hazardous waste and asbestos procedure

Closing the waste facility due to poor weather procedure

Continued Operation When Staff Unable to Work procedure

Scrap Metal Handling procedure

E waste Handling procedure

Yambuk Lake Estuary & Wetlands Management Plan


Safety and Environment Management Plan Port of Port Fairy 2013-2017



Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter

Non Current Asset Accounting Policy

Rates Collection Policy

Fees and Charges Policy

Community Loan Policy

Debtor Management Policy


Investment Policy


Audio Recording at Council Meeting Procedure

Complaints Handling Procedure

Council Plan


Councillor Gift, Hospitality Policy and Register

Customer Service Commitment


Community Asset Committee Charters


Delegated Committee Charter


Council Expenses Policy

Flag Flying Policy


Freedom of Information professional standards


Governance Rules


Instruments of Delegations

Local Law No 1 2015 General Local Law

Protected Disclosure Procedure


Public Transparency Policy


Staff Code of Conduct


Summary of Personal Interests Returns

People and Culture

Equal Opportunity Harassment and Bullying Policy

Recruitment and Selection Policy

Infrastructure and Environment

B-Doubles Higher Mass Limit Vehicles on Local Roads Policy

Cattle Underpass Policy

Cemeteries and Cemetery Trusts Policy

Changes to Vehicle Speed Zones

Construction of Unsealed Roads

Cropping of Roadsides Policy

Footpath Policy - Determination of Community Benefit

Footpath Policy - Funding for New Footpaths

Footpath Policy - Maintenance and Renewal

Footpath Policy - New Footpaths

Footpath Policy - New Subdivisions

Funding - Services for Community Use Facilities Policy

Funding Levels for Recreation Reserves and Facilities Policy

Heavy Vehicles in Residential Areas Policy

Maintenance of Sight Distances at Property Entrances Policy

Management of Township Lanes Policy

Private Hire of Shire Plant Policy


Procurement Policy


Property Management Policy

Public Signage Strategy

Re-chargeable Works Margin Policy

Road Management Plan

Road Naming Policy

Road Safety Strategy

Roads Strategy

Sale of Land Policy

Stormwater Management Plan

Strategic Resources Plan

Traffic Management Objectives and Strategies

Tree Plantations on Roadsides Policy

Tree Planting on Roadsides Policy

Unformed Government Roads

Unused Road Closures Policy

Vehicular Access adjacent to Moyne River, Port Fairy Policy

Vehicular Property Entrances Policy

Warrnambool Airport Funding Contribution Policy


Policy and Instructions for purchase, compulsory acquisition and sale of land. Author: Department of Infrastructure August 2000

Land use and Planning

Planning Policy Framework


Moyne Planning Scheme


Local Planning Policy Framework






Particular Provisions


General Provisions


Operational Provisions


List of Amendments


Planning Permit Register

Records and Information Management

Councillor mail policy


Information Privacy Policy

Records Management Policy


Records Protection and Security Policy


Records Strategic Plan


Vital Records Strategy


Tennis Court Review Report

Recreation Strategy

Recreation Reserve Strategy

Community Assistance Fund guidelines

Bicycle Plan

Risk Management

Public Liability Investigation Policy

Sustainable Development



Cattle Tag Information Release


CFA bushfire management overlay information


Detox your home fact sheet

Energy Projects



Windfarm Complaints Procedure



Report Literature

Council meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month except for January and December 2023 (subject to public holidays) at the Council Office in Mortlake and are open to the public. Council’s Meetings are Live Streamed on our Facebook page. Minutes of these meetings are publicly available and can be accessed on Council’s website .

Council’s annual report is available on our website here

Reports, Statements and Submissions

Council makes the following two classes of documents accessible to the public –

-       A document prepared outside the Council for consideration by the Council.

-       A document prepared within the Council for consideration by the Council.

In accordance with Moyne Shire Council’s Governance Rules, Division 6. Minutes and Records of Meeting; Section 67: Publication of Minutes

As soon as practicable after the conclusion of a Council meeting:

a)    The draft unconfirmed minutes of the Council Meeting and

b)    All reports considered at the Council meeting

(except for any part that was closed to the public to consider confidential information)