Ongoing consultation, review and monitoring

Our Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) has been shaped by comprehensive consultations with key internal and external stakeholders.

Through these consultations, we have identified opportunities to increase all areas of disability inclusion across Moyne Shire. We have also examined current trends and best practices to benchmark our plan.

We extend our gratitude to the community and colleagues for their valuable input and ongoing support. We are committed to working with our staff to deliver the planned actions within the specified timeframes. Continuous feedback from our community, clients and staff will guide the success of current and future actions.

The DIAP will be reviewed every four years, aligning with Inclusive Victoria's objectives to promote fairness and equality for people with disability.

Measurement of progress

Our DIAPs success will be assessed against qualitative and quantitative measures, including:

  • Actions successfully implemented over the life of the Plan - outcomes will be identified for each initiative to allow progress to be clearly measured.
  • Progress measured against government, legislative, regulatory and compliance reporting requirements.
  • Regularly engaging with the community and staff to seek feedback and suggestions.
  • Achievements will be reported to the community through Council's Annual Report and the DIAP Action Plan which will be reviewed and updated every four years.