Disability Inclusion and Access Plan Actions

Our inaugural Plan will provide a future road map


  1. Investigate appropriate engagement models that are inclusive and will provide diverse community perspective on council strategic direction.
  2. Establish consultation opportunities to ensure the voices of people with disability are heard from all areas of the Shire.
  3. Advocate for a role that focuses on the needs of people with disability in the Southwest Region.
  4. Collaborate with regional stakeholders to enhance the disability inclusion experience across Moyne Shire and identify barriers present in the community that require Council support.
  5. Support community groups to run events that increase the participation and celebration of people with disability, such as International Day of People with Disability.
  6. Advocate for greater leadership opportunities for people with disability across Moyne Shire.
  7. Provide disability inclusion training to internal Council staff with the aim to build their capability and confidence in the space.

Place and environment

  1. As part of the Moyne Shire Project Management Framework, reference Universal Design principles to guide Council staff when considering access and inclusion across all areas of council business.
  2. Advocate for accessible transport options across the Shire including wheelchair accessible bus services and trains.
  3. Identify opportunities and advocate for increased Specialist Disability Accommodation investments to include areas within Moyne Shire.
  4. Explore budget and grant opportunities for a fully accessible changing places toilet facility.
  5. Ensure signage promotes clear understanding of the presented information.


  1. Advocate for accessible events to be held in the Moyne Shire.
  2. Consider partnership funding opportunities for an accessible tourism project.
  3. Acknowledge and showcase internal success stories for providing disability inclusion as part of their service.
  4. Encourage community groups to consider disability inclusion in grant applications.
  5. Undertake a review of the end-to-end recruitment process in Council, enhancing access and inclusion for people with disability.
  6. Advocate to embed a focus on access with Moyne Traders

Systems and processes

  1. Provide easy access to disability inclusion information for all people living or visiting the Shire, allowing people with disability to make informed decisions.
  2. Undertake a review of the Council website and implement Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG ) standards.
  3. Explore opportunities to develop an Accessibility Communications Guide.
  4. Provide an opportunity for people with disability to give accessibility and inclusion related feedback on the Council website.
  5. Utilise current communication forums such as the Council website, Strategic Plans, newsletter and external communications to deliver messages / embed practices for disability inclusion and access.
  6. As reviews of Council Policies are undertaken, actively incorporate consideration of disability inclusion and access.
  7. Participate in integrated infrastructure planning by including the DIAP principles in the Project Management Framework.
  8. Review Community Engagement framework to ensure it addresses accessible communication channels.
  9. Seek funding to review information and language present within disability related policies and ensure the social model of inclusive language is being used.