The Disability Inclusion and Access Plan provides a summary of the engagement process along with a four-year plan of action for Council that reflects the opportunities identified by the Moyne community.
This Plan outlines the next four years of actions to help our organisation and the community to becoming more inclusive and accessible for people living with disability.
This Plan adopts the use of the community vision My Moyne,My Future 2040 Vision Statement, also supported in the 2021-25Council Plan.
This Plan uses the United Nations Convention on the Rights ofPersons with Disabilities definition of disability.
The Moyne Shire Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2024-2028aligns with the principles in the following convention and nationaland state legislation, agreements, and standards.
The four pillars of inclusion represent and respond to barriers thatimpact on a person with disability’s right to choose and control.
Our Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) has been shaped by comprehensive consultations with key internal and external stakeholders.
Celebrating some of our achievements to increasing disability inclusion across our shire
Our inaugural Plan will provide a future road map
Disability Inclusion and Access Plan- Word format - accessible(DOCX, 36KB)
Disability-Inclusion-and-Access-Plan - PDF Format(PDF, 2MB)