Customer service commitment

Moyne Shire is committed to ensuring that our customers receive responsive, courteous and efficient service.

 In conducting the business of council we aim to:

  • make our customers and visitors feel welcome
  • provide friendly, courteous, accurate, reliable and professional service
  • provide inclusive and accessible customer service
  • listen to understand the real needs of our customers
  • endeavour to fairly meet customer and community expectations
  • empower our staff to make decisions and take responsibility for responding to customer requests
  • recognise that complaints are an opportunity to improve service.

Access and information

For details on office locations and opening hours visit our contact us page.

Should the offices be closed for any reason during normal business hours, a notice will be displayed at the respective offices advising of the period of closure, and where possible, advertised in the local media.

Our service standards

Our service delivery to you will be undertaken by our well-presented customer service officers and staff in a friendly and helpful manner. To assist you in knowing who you are dealing with, staff will wear a name badge.

  • When you visit our offices we will greet you at reception. If our customer service officers are engaged with another customer, either at the counter or on the telephone, we will acknowledge you through eye contact.
  • We will listen courteously and identify your needs to enable the appropriate action to be taken in a professional and accurate manner.
  • If you make an approach by telephone we will answer in a friendly and courteous manner with the organisation’s name and our own name.
  • If you make an approach by telephone and we cannot respond immediately we will normally return your call within 2 business days.
  • We will aim to provide accurate and relevant information to other staff members when conveying messages or transferring calls to assist in quicker resolution of your issue.
  • If you make an approach in writing (including via the council website) we will normally provide a full and detailed response to you within 10 business days of receiving correspondence. If you approach us in writing we will respond to you in writing.
  • If you lodge a service request we will aim to provide a detailed response not more than 25 business days (please check with current service request) after receipt of your service request. To ensure we can complete a service request we will not normally register anonymous service requests.
  • We will provide current, accessible information that meets your needs.
  • We will provide opportunities for you to comment and make suggestions on our services and standards and we welcome such feedback.
  • We will maintain an accessible enquiries and complaints resolution system.  Details are available from customer service. To make an enquiry or complaint please phone, fax, email or call in person to any office.
  • At all times we will do our best to be friendly, cheerful, courteous, accurate, timely, efficient and reliable in our service to you.

Public access to information

The Ccouncil is subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 2000 and the Freedom of Information Act (1982). Individual customer records are confidential. More details can be found here.

Help us to help you

 Your assistance is important. We ask you to:

  • treat our employees with courtesy
  • supply us with complete and accurate information
  • inform us promptly of any change of address or change of circumstances
  • be open and honest in your dealings with us and comply with the law
  • provide us with honest feedback on our service.


We value your comments and take your complaints seriously. Whether you wish to compliment us on the quality of our service or make a complaint, your feedback is important to us. Not only does it give us an opportunity to recognise and reward excellent performance by our staff, it also enables us to learn about how we can improve our service to the community.

If we fall short in our service, or make a mistake, we encourage you to contact us directly so that the matter can be solved promptly and to your satisfaction.


There is an important difference between a complaint and a customer request for service:

A customer request is

An appeal for assistance to inspect, remove, replace, repair or reinstate Council facilities or amenities which may be damaged or missing as a result of a number of circumstances.  A customer request can be made here

A complaint is

An expression of dissatisfaction with a service or product offered or provided, by the Council which has, or should have, been received that has failed to reach the standard stated, implied or expected.

A complaint does not include

  • A request for service
  • Reports of a hazard (e.g. fallen tree)
  • Reports concerning neighbours or neighbouring properties (e.g. dog barking or noise issues)
  • A request for information or an explanation of a policy or procedure
  • Complaints made under the Protected Disclosure Act
  • Decisions made under legislation which provides for separate avenues of appeal (e.g. prosecutions under local laws and decisions under the Building Act)
  • An alleged breach under the Councillors Code of Conduct.
  • A dispute between neighbours 
  • Claims for compensation

Our complaints policy is available here(PDF, 338KB)

The complaint registration form is available here(PDF, 428KB)

If you are still not satisfied

For all complaints, you can contact the Victorian Ombudsman Service