Election and caretaker period 2024

  • Councils must comply with special arrangements in the lead up to elections, known as the caretaker period. This is in accordance with the Local Government Act. 
  • The Act states that the election period starts on the last day on which nominations for the election can be received and finishes at 6pm on the election day.
  • For the 2024 Council election, this means the election period will be from 12 Noon Tuesday September 17 until 6pm Saturday 26 October 2024.

The purpose of a caretaker period

A caretaker period: 

  • ensures that council actions don't interfere with the election process, and the election process is conducted in an ethical, fair and equitable way. 
  • safeguards the authority of the incoming council.

Council activity during the election period

During the election period: 

  • councils are prohibited from making certain types of decisions
  • material produced by councils must not contain matter that will affect voting at the election.

View the Election Caretaker Period Policy