Darlington Wind Farm – EPBC Referral
Council submission to EPBC2023/09610
The Darlington Wind Farm locality is known for its wetlands and Brolga breeding areas as outlined in the EES report for the Dundonnell and Mt Fyans Wind Farms which are in proximity to this project. Additionally, the project is now subject to carrying out an Environment Effects Statement as directed by the Victorian Minister for Planning. The EES project is yet to commence. Council is aware of bilateral agreements to consider EPBC and EES matters in the same assessment.
Council directs you to the recently released Willatook Wind Farm Ministerial Decision and Panel Assessment where environmental impacts on Brolga and the Southern Bent Wing Bat were assessed and analysed in detail, including the use and reference to the yet to be released draft Brolga Guidelines under Victorian State Government assessment.
Council is particularly concerned about the cumulative impact of wind farms on a range of environmental, social and landscape matters and the impact on species is of continuing concern to our community.
Council seeks that you seek advice from DEECA Barwon South West offices where there has been reports of brolga, southern bent-wing bat and grey headed flying fox mortality reports that have occurred at operating wind farms post the dates of the specialist reports submitted to support this EPBC application.
Council's current position on Wind Farms is to seek that the State Government pause issuing new planning permits for wind farms in Moyne Shire until such time as strategic land use assessment is carried out in the South-West Victorian Renewable Energy zone that considers cumulative impacts, thresholds for the number of turbines, setbacks from townships and settlements, undergrounding of transmission lines and substantial community benefits and investment from renewable energy development.