Hawkesdale Community Plan FAQs
Why has a Hawkesdale Community Plan been developed?
The Hawkesdale Community Plan has been developed to provide opportunities for the community to pursue local projects and community opportunities. The Plan will provide HADDAC, the wider community and community partners with guidance and direction for funding and grant applications and to inform future works for township improvements.
What area of Hawkesdale does the Plan cover?
The Plan cover the main community assets, facilities and open spaces across the township including the Cemetery, Memorial Hall, main street, Apex Park, Racecourse Reserve, Hawkesdale Common, Recreation Reserve and other localities.
Who is undertaking the Plan?
Land Design Partnership (LDP) and Think In Colour have been appointed to develop the Community Plan who are both experienced consultancies in community project planning and engagement. Examples of their projects and work can be found on their websites - https://www.landdesign.com.au/projects.html and https://www.think-in-colour.com.au/
How has the Plan been developed so far?
Consultation has occurred through targeted discussions between the Hawkesdale and District Development Action Committee (HADDAC), the consultants and Council. An engagement program with Hawkesdale P12 College students will also occur prior to the community presentation and workshop on the 1st June.
How can I have input into the draft Hawkesdale Community Plan?
Come along to the Community Workshop where the consulting team will present on the plan and you can discuss and ask questions:
Date: Tuesday 1st June
Time: 7pm
Where: Hawkesdale Memorial Hall
If you could confirm your attendance for room set up and catering purposes that would be greatly appreciated. Just email Council’s Project Manager Fiona Davey - fiona.davey@moyne.vic.gov.au or phone or text to 0458 07 00 99 with your name(s).