Shaping Our Future Together
Council is working with the community and key stakeholders to develop a 2040 Community Vision for Moyne Shire.
Through an extensive community engagement process, we’re exploring what we want our community to look, feel and be like in two decades’ time, and what goals and priorities we need to focus on to get us there.
What Is a Community Vision?
A Community Vision will set out the long-term social, economic, cultural and environmental aspirations of the people of Moyne. It will represent the community’s voice about what important to them, now and in the future.
The Community Vision will be developed and owned by the community with Council facilitating a collaborative process with assistance from independent consultants. Together, we will explore what we want Moyne to be like 20 years from now, and decide on key goals and priorities needed to achieve the outcomes we want.
Why a Community Vision?
A Community Vision is a requirement of the Local Government Act 2020 and provides an opportunity for councils to engage broadly and deeply with their communities in shaping their preferred futures.
The Community Vision will be used to guide planning and decision-making; in particular, the four-year Council Plan, Long Term Financial Plan and Asset Plan.
The vision will be updated every four years in line with the Council election cycle, so it remains current.
Engaging with Our Community
A total of 1049 contributions were received from approximately 320 people through the online survey, five pop-up sessions and primary school drawing activity as part of the My Moyne My Future stage one engagement process conducted in March and early April.
Feedback highlighted the importance of making the most of the community's connections and strengths, and keeping an inclusive, welcoming and friendly community.
Priorities revealed in the survey:
- Roads and transport (most important issue to those aged 55+ years).
- Housing availability and affordability (most important issue for45-54 year-olds)
- Climate change and extreme weather (most important issue to people aged under 45)
- Health and well-being
- Education and career pathways
- Preserving biodiversity/natural environment
- Local economy and jobs
The information gathered from the engagement will now be explored and deliberated upon by the 40-member Moyne 2040 Community Vision Panel during a series of five facilitated workshops in late April and May. The panel will then make recommendations to Council to assist in development of the Community Vision, Council Plan and Long Term Financial Plan.
There will be further opportunities in coming months for the community to provide feedback on these key strategic documents before Council considers them for adoption in late 2021.