We continue serving the community during the Christmas and New Year holiday period. There will be some changes to services including kerbside waste collections.
Christmas and New Year service changes
Mosquitoes can carry a range of diseases that can be life-threatening. Your best protection against mosquitoes and the diseases they can carry is to avoid mozzie bites.
Warm and wet weather can mean more mosquito biting and breeding, including the ones that can carry diseases that make you sick. Recent flood events in Victoria have increased the number of mosquitoes in some regions.
Mosquitoes can carry diseases that may be passed on to people, including:
Ross River virus
Barmah Forest virus
Japanese encephalitis virus
Murray Valley encephalitis virus
Buruli ulcer.
There is no vaccine currently available to protect against Ross River, Barmah Forest, or Murray Valley encephalitis viruses. There is a vaccine available to protect against Japanese encephalitis for eligible groups.
The most effective way to reduce your risk of mosquito-borne diseases is to avoid mosquito bites and remove mosquito breeding sites around your home.
There are simple things you can do to protect yourself and your family against these diseases:
Wear long, loose-fitting clothing. Mozzies can bite through tight clothes.
Use mosquito repellents containing Picaridin or DEET on exposed skin.
Limit outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are about.
Clean up your yard and remove anything where water can collect, such as unused pots and tyres.
On holidays make sure your accommodation is fitted with mosquito netting or screens.
Use ’knockdown’ fly spray, mosquito coils or plug-in repellent where you gather to sit or eat outdoors.
Don’t forget the kids – always check the insect repellent label. On babies, you might need to spray or rub repellent on their clothes instead of their skin. Avoid applying repellent to the hands of babies or young children.
Mosquito borne diseases and surveillance - YouTube
Checklist for your home and yard
Keeping-your-rainwater-tank-safe-from-mosquitos.pdf (health.vic.gov.au)
Checklist for your holiday
Owners and occupiers of premises have an obligation to take reasonable steps to control mosquito breeding grounds and abate conditions conducive to their establishment.
If you have concerns about mosquito activity, please contact Moyne Shire Council’s environmental health team on 1300 656 564 or moyne@moyne.vic.gov.au .
‘Don’t Wing It With Mosquitoes’ resources (print and digital), can be downloaded at Protect yourself from mosquito-borne disease - Better Health Channel. These resources are also available in translated community languages.