Complaints and enquiries

If you have a complaint or enquiry about a wind farm or other energy facility, council encourages you to contact the operator of the facility as your first step. Each wind farm has a website where you can find details about their complaints handling processes and a toll free telephone number.

Details of wind farms in Moyne Shire can be found here

If your complaint is not resolved with the operator you can lodge your complaint at one of the following places, depending of the nature of your complaint:

  • Noise complaints can be made directly to the Environment Protection Authority pollution hotline on 1300 372 842 or via the EPA website
  • Planning permit condition related complaints can be lodged with Moyne Shire Council using the online form on our website or contacting 1300 656 564
  • Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner also takes complaints on the AEIC website or by calling 1800 656 395

Council responds to enquiries and complaints about wind farms using the wind farm complaints handling procedure. When we receive your complaint, we will acknowledge that your complaint has been registered and contact you to discuss the issue and possible solutions. Some wind farm complaints can take quite a bit of time to resolve as council often has to liaise with the developer and government agencies. We will keep you informed along the way.