Filming in Moyne Shire

Whatever the size or scale of your production, Moyne Shire provides a stunning backdrop of diverse landscapes – rugged coastline, pristine beaches, Victorian era buildings, agricultural plains and rural townships.

Moyne Shire Council has supported many film and television productions and events across the Shire and encourages organisers to contact Council's Economic Development team to discuss partnership opportunities. 

Filming Permits

You may need a filming permit if one or more of the following conditions apply:

  • Your filming activity inclusive of all production crew and talent consists of more than six people.
  • Your infrastructure exceeds one camera, one tripod and handheld sound recording equipment.
  • You intend to block a public footpath or road leaving less than 2.5 metres of pedestrian thoroughfare at any time.
  • You intend to implement pedestrian or traffic management.
  • Your activities will disrupt the community and/or other stakeholders (traders, residents and businesses) or motorists or other events.
  • You require vehicle access to a location.

If your filming does not involve any of the above, it is considered ‘low impact’ and you are not required to notify Moyne Shire Council.  


To fly your drone in the Moyne Shire (for commercial purposes) you only need permission from Council (not a permit). Council will automatically give permission provided you have authority from CASA and the Police as per the guidelines below.

If you wish to film with a remote piloted aircraft (RPA) or drone, please refer to the guidelines below.

People using a Drone for personal use should comply with all CASA regulations. 

Filming: RPA / Drone Guidelines

Guidelines for the use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) within Moyne Shire.

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) provides general regulatory controls for the safety of air navigation throughout Australia. In addition to meeting CASA requirements, operators are also required to obtain permission from the Local Council or Landowner before operating an RPA.

Permission is required to be obtained from Moyne Shire Council before any RPA activity is permitted to take place within or above the municipality’s Public Open Space.

Requirements for permission

  1. The individual piloting the RPA must hold a Remote Pilot License (RePL) or equivalent for the RPAS category and weight to be operated.
  2. In addition, a RPA Operator’s Certificate (ReOC) must be held by the organisation engaging the licensed pilot of the RPA; this must also be appropriately endorsed for the RPAS category and weight to be operated.
  3. The standard RPA operating conditions are defined by CASR 101.238 and relevant elements of this are outlined below:
    The RPA is:
    • operated within the visual line of sight of the pilot;
    • operated at or below 400 ft AGL (above ground Level) by day;
    • not operated within 30 m of a person who is not directly associated with the operation of the RPA;
    • not operated over a populous area (as defined by CASR 101.025);
    • not operated within 3 nautical miles (5.5 km) of the movement area of a controlled aerodrome;
    • not operated over an area where a fire, police or other public safety or emergency operation is being conducted without the approval of a person in charge of the operation;
    • the person operating the RPA operates only that RPA
  4. Activity will only be permitted in locations that Moyne Shire Council deems appropriate, during daylight hours.
  5. The area approved for operation must be clearly signposted and a 30 m exclusion zone established to ensure no members of the public encroach upon the area.
  6. No operations should take place within 500 m of a Helicopter Landing Site and all operations within 2000 m of a HLS should be limited to not greater than 150’ AGL (45 m).
  7. A Police Notification Form 1 should be submitted to Victoria Police.


Applying for a Filming Permit or Permission

To apply for a Filming Permit or if you have authority but need permission to use a drone, please contact Council's Economic Development team of 1300 656 564 or email