Home and community care program for younger people (HACC –PYP)

Moyne Shire Council in an approved HACC-PYP provider.

HACC program for younger people is targeted at people aged under 65 years and Aboriginals or Torres Strait Islander people aged under 50 years who need assistance with activities of daily living. Clients may require this assistance due to physical and/or psychosocial functional impairment related to disability (for which they are not eligible for the NDIS), chronic illness and short-term health needs. 

This service is funded by the state government.

Application for eligibility assessment can be made either through a social worker, a hospital discharge planner or by directly contacting our community care team agedcare@moyne.vic.gov.au or  (03) 5568 0555.

For more information please follow read about the HACC Program for Younger People

Services target younger people with moderate, severe or profound disabilities whose capacity for independent living is at risk and their unpaid carers.  Not everyone who is eligible can receive an immediate service and the priority of access principles will be applicable to all eligible clients and their carers.

The main type of services provided by the Moyne Shire council community care team are listed below

Domestic Assistance

Domestic Assistance

This involves working with your Community Care Worker as a team and participate in household tasks that you are able to complete. The Community Care worker will assist with heavier tasks that you are unable to complete such as

  • maintaining the hygiene of floor surfaces, 
  • laundry and linen changes,
  • maintain hygiene of shower baths and toilets,
  • unaccompanied shopping or bill paying
  • assisting with meal preparation

Personal care

This service involves working with your Community Care Worker to provide assistance to promote your welfare, activities of daily living and health & well-being. This service supports people to  be engaged in activities that are meaningful to them and encourages them to be connected with their community. The task provided by the Community Care worker will involve the following:

  • Assistance with showering , bathing, undressing, dressing and toileting
  • Grooming, shaving
  • Medication prompting only
  • Prescribed exercises or therapy programs with the direction of a health professional
  • Mobility task within the Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines.
  • Accompanied shopping or going out for coffee.

Respite Care

This service supports the primary carers of people living with disability. It gives them an opportunity to enjoy social activities, attend appointments, shopping or participate leisure activities.  Our dedicated team of Community Care workers will provide the following respite support to the care recipient:

Planned regular respite allocated for few hours per week or fortnight

Occasional respite allocated on an infrequent or irregular time

Emergency respite allocated  for urgent or unplanned respite

This service can include taking the care recipient to visit family, friends locally and access the local cafés or shops. Respite is not available for care of children from other households.

Social Support Group

Our Community Care team run Adult Social group activities in Mortlake. The service offers recreation, socialisation and respite for people living with a disability.

Our day trips offer subsidised outings for clients and their carers to different destinations each year. The trips give clients an affordable outing while maintaining daily care, with support from qualified and experienced staff.

We can also organise support and access to programs and therapies for specific behaviours or conditions across the Shire through Health Services.

Property maintenance

This service allows clients to live in a safe environment. This includes preparing your home for the bushfire season and advice on potential home-safety risks, adequate level of security, access to technical advice on major home modifications

The main services Council provides are:

  • lawn mowing
  • keeping pathways clear of shrubs and minor handyman tasks
  • wiper snipping & some spraying
  • changing smoke-detector batteries and light bulbs,
  • minor modifications to the home, such as handrails and hand-held shower hoses.

An annual external window clean is available (height restrictions apply)