Moyne and Warrnambool Youth Strategy 2025-2030

Read the complete Moyne and Warrnambool Youth Strategy 2025 - 2030

For the first time, Moyne Shire and Warrnambool City Council have joined forces to create a shared Youth Strategy. This exciting collaboration guides our activities with young people over the next five years.

In our region, young people move seamlessly between Moyne and Warrnambool, accessing shared services like education, healthcare, sport and recreation facilities. They also benefit from youth programs available in both areas. By working together, we can tackle regional challenges more effectively and ensure that our solutions reflect the diverse needs and aspirations of our young people.

Extensive consultations were undertaken with young people across the region in the development of this strategy, as well as with the various adults in their lives, with almost 400 people joining in-person conversations and over 450 responses to an online survey. Additionally, a group of 20 young people formed a co-design panel to help shape the strategy, with panel member Lily Potter expressing her excitement for the future.

Being awarded a voice in the development of the Youth Strategy has left me feeling hopeful, motivated, and empowered to help others as a young person
We are shaping the future of Warrnambool and Moyne by connecting youth to all areas of our amazing community.

Vision for the future

The Moyne and Warrnambool region is full of accessible and affordable opportunities for young people. It’s a fun and exciting place to be! Young people are a prominent part of our community. They feel comfortable, safe and at home, surrounded by and part of an accepting community open to new ideas and change.

Read the complete Moyne and Warrnambool Youth Strategy 2025 - 2030


What is a youth strategy?

A youth strategy is a plan that focuses on addressing the specific needs, priorities, and aspirations of young people, ensuring their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed in community development efforts, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and empowering environment for youth participation and growth.

Why is a youth strategy needed?

Ever wondered why councils need a youth strategy? It’s all about making sure that your needs and ideas count when it comes to planning for our communities. When council’s listen to and involve young people like you, they can build communities that work for everyone, now and in the future. So, by having a Youth Strategy, council can make our towns and city more inclusive and sustainable places to live.

What will the youth strategy achieve?

The youth strategy aims to achieve several important goals: giving young people a voice in decision-making, guiding the council’s youth programs and budgeting, advocating for youth needs, ensuring services address youth issues, understanding youth challenges, identifying gaps and providing clear actions for council to follow and report on. It’s all about empowering youth, improving services, and celebrating achievements.

How can I get involved?

As part of the ongoing strategy Moyne Shire council together with Warrnambool City Council will establish an advisory board which they will report to and consult with on key council business impacting young people. The team will comprise of half Moyne and half Warrnambool youth and be refreshed every year. Its members will receive training in governance, be paid, and actively participate in driving the Youth Strategy. If you would like to be notified when applications open. Contact our youth officer Lee Malady

How do I find out more?

For more information, please contact

Lee Malady, Moyne Nextgen Development Officer, Moyne Shire Council on 1300 656 564 or email

Lotti Dumesny, Youth Engagement Coordinator, Warrnambool City Council at

This project is supported by the Victorian Government Engage! fund.

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