Trust for Nature covenanted properties

A Trust for Nature conservation covenant is a registered on-title legal agreement that protects high-value biodiversity on privately owned land by prohibiting things like sub-division, clearing of vegetation or inappropriate development. Conservation covenants may cover all or part of a property and are transferred with any land sale. Landholders with a conservation covenant must manage their covenanted land for the primary purpose of conservation and must commit to following a management plan developed in consultation with Trust for Nature technical staff. Since the first conservation covenant in 1978 there are now nearly 1500 covenants across Victoria protecting nearly 70,000ha of private land for conservation purposes.

With almost 94% of all land in Moyne Shire under private ownership, the long-term security of a range of native species – both plant and animal – depends upon the conservation of remnant vegetation on private land.

Starting in 2020/21, Moyne Shire Council will provide a rate rebate of $20 per hectare (up to a maximum value of $1,000) for land with a Trust for Nature conservation covenant. For further information contact Trust for Nature or Council’s Rates Unit