Other community funding and opportunities

For more opportunities and resources especially for sporting and recreational clubs, associations and groups the South West Sport clubs support page

Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund

Applications open for Victorian cricket clubs, associations and local government seeking to apply for the 2024-25 Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund (ACIF).

The ACIF offers funding for community cricket facility projects, aiming to boost participation and enhance accessibility.

Applications close on Sunday 23 March 2025.

Sporting Club Grants

Access to this funding helps grassroots clubs and organisations address barriers in participation, develop safe and sustainable practices and build social and active local communities.

This program assists organisations to:

  • purchase uniforms and equipment that are essential for participation, first-aid and safety
  • attract, build the capability and retain a skilled workforce - both volunteer and paid
  • increase equity, diversity and inclusiveness
  • implement good governance practices
  • increase participation of individuals and communities who participate less
  • create opportunities so Victorians can participate in ways that suit them
  • build a robust sector that responds to current and changing community needs
  • support athletes to achieve success in their sport.

Applications open: Thursday 20 February 2025

Applications close: 4 pm Thursday 27 March 2025

Notification of outcomes: May 2025.

Visit Sporting Club Grants Program | Sport and Recreation Victoriafor guidelines and link to application portal./p>

Churchill Fellowships 2025

Anyone who wants to help bring the world’s best practice into their industry or community is invited to consider applying for prestigious Churchill Fellowships. Applications open 28 February 2025. These are a unique chance to travel internationally, investigate global best practice, and apply it in your working life. Each Fellowship involves funding for expenses for four to eight weeks of international travel. The amount of funding varies depending on the location and itinerary of approved travel.

Australian citizens and permanent residents from any industry, background or location are eligible to apply. (No academic qualification is necessary). Fellowships are based on the legacy of Sir Winston Churchill - it’s about the freedom to explore, the wisdom of travel and open-mindedness. 2025 is the 60th year of the Trust. Applications close 1 May 2025.

For more information Become a fellow Churchill Trust

Quick response grants (Regional Arts Victoria)

Quick Response Grants funds professional development opportunities for artists and arts workers or small project opportunities. The program supports the immediate need that arises where the activity is unable to be planned for or supported in other funding rounds, for example taking up professional development, skills development or small project opportunities at short notice.

You can apply for Quick Response Grants up to $3,000 for individuals and $5,000 for organisations.

Information, guidelines and application can be made on the Regional Arts Victoria website

FRRR Strengthening Rural Communities - Small & Vital

Grants up to $10,000 are available for a broad range of grassroots, community-led initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities that strengthen local people, places and climate solutions, with a preference for smaller communities (populations under 15,000).

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and assessed quarterly.  There are three streams of funding and organisations can apply for one of these streams.

Applications ongoing basis and assessed quarterly.

For guidelines, information and applications visit - Strengthening Rural Communities - Small & Vital | FRRR 

Fisheries Authority Small Grants Program

To provide funding of up to $5,000 (GST exclusive) for small recreational fishing projects which benefit public recreational fishing in Victoria.

At the discretion of the Recreational Fishing Grants Working Group, the Small Grants Program will provide funding under the following categories:

  • Recreational fishing access and infrastructure
  • Community fishing events
  • Education projects

The Victorian Fishing Authority website has more information.

Men as Allies: Supporting Women and Girls in Community Sport

Men can play a critical role in supporting and enabling gender equality in community sport, through actions as simple as watching women and girls play sport, calling out inappropriate language, and volunteering in traditionally women's roles.  To learn more about the actions men can take to support women in sport, read the research summary presented to Sport and Recreation Victoria - Change Our Game | Men as Allies: supporting women and girls in community sport

Mary MacKillop Today Highways and Byways Small Grants Program

The ;Mary MacKillop Today Highways and Byways Small Grants Program is open until 1 April 2025. Funding of up to $5,000 is available for locally led community initiatives.

More information at 2025 Small Grants Program Guidelines, applications can be made at Grants | Highways and Byways

Mortlake Community Investment Program

Origin would like to support local communities in the Moyne Shire area during the construction of the Mortlake Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), located near the Mortlake Power Station.

Origin’s community investment has four focus areas - community wellbeing, community resilience, economic development and the environment. Applications will be invited twice yearly for up to $10,000 in support for smaller events or activities that align to one or more of the community investment priorities. Events or activities that lead to measurable community outcomes within the Moyne and Warrnambool local government area are encouraged to apply.>

Priority will also be given to activities that are sustainable over the long term and that deliver an enduring community benefit beyond the funding period.

If the request is over $5,000, please provide documentation such as letters of support or quotations for services or materials to support your application.

Further information can be found at Mortlake battery project - Origin Energy, applications close 11 April 2025