Required documentation is also listed in the application checklist and includes the following:
Mandatory documents
- Completed income and expenditure spreadsheets using templates provided.
- Supplier quotes for services, products and other project costs.
- Your most recent financial statements such as treasurers reports or bank statements.
- Certificate of Currency for Public and Products Liability Insurance. In most circumstances, Council requires applicants to hold current Public and Products Liability Insurance (unless you are covered under Moyne Shire Council’s policy) to protect against legal liability for third party injury, death and/or Damage to Property caused by an occurrence in connection with the applicant's activity. If your group does not wish to purchase public and products liability insurance, you may apply through an auspice organisation.
Other documents where applicable
- Evidence of land / asset owner permission.
- Confirmation of any other funding sources being provided for the project or that have been applied for but not yet confirmed.
- Completed Statement by Supplier form if you are not providing an ABN.
- Supporting documentation such as letters of support, project/ event map, design plans and any other relevant documentation.
- Permits and approvals if confirmed or references to applications if underway. If permits and approvals are not confirmed or under application, confirmation that permits or approvals are required.
- You can purchase public and products liability insurance from any insurance provider deemed appropriate for the activity in connection with the funding or by contacting Local Community Insurance Services, call 1300 853 800 or email
Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable)
All community groups and organisations (non-commercial entities) who are applying for funding must be:
An incorporated association - Incorporation provides a community group status as a legal entity or hold another legal entity status such as a DELWP Committee of Management or be auspiced by an incorporated body - If your group is not incorporated and does not wish to become incorporated, you may apply through an auspice organisation who must be an incorporated association.
If you are not incorporated and would like to become incorporated, you may contact the Office of Consumer Affairs Victoria on 1300 558 181
An auspiced application
If your group is not incorporated or does not hold current public and products liability insurance, you may still apply through an auspice organisation.
An auspice organisation is one that is incorporated and holds current public and products liability insurance and agrees to take responsibility for your grant. The organisation receives the funding on your behalf and distributes the funds to your group for the delivery of the project. The auspicing organisation is also responsible for acquitting the grant funds.
A letter confirming the auspice arrangement, on the auspice organisation’s letterhead, must be attached with your funding application.
You can find out more about auspicing at Justice Connect