Arts and Culture Advisory Group Terms of Reference

The Arts and Culture Advisory Group (ACAG) provides strategic advice and recommendations to Moyne Shire Council to support the effective implementation and evaluation of the Moyne Shire Arts and Culture Strategy 2024-2030. The ACAG will foster collaboration, innovation and community engagement to strengthen the creative community within the shire.

Authority / delegation

The ACAG is an advisory group to Council and does not have any delegation to make decisions.


The functions of the group are to:

  • provide input into Council's delivery of the Arts and Culture Strategy 2024-2030 and guidance on key initiatives and priority projects
  • make recommendations to identify actions the Moyne Shire Council may take to improve its facilities, services and programs for greater arts and cultural outcomes
  • advocate to Council, educate and inform on relevant arts and cultural considerations and needs, industry best practice and developments
  • participate in monitoring and evaluation processes of the Arts and Culture Strategy 2024-2030
  • act as a conduit for the sharing of ideas, resources, funding and employment opportunities between Council and Moyne's creative community.
  • promote partnerships among Council, arts organisations, Traditional Owner groups, community stakeholders, and funding bodies
  • offer informed advice on emerging opportunities, funding strategies, and best practice in arts and cultural development
  • support the inclusion of diverse voices, including First Nations communities, youth, and underrepresented groups, in shaping arts and cultural programs



Membership will be appointed through an open expression of interest process overseen by a selection panel ensuring a balance of skills, experience, and representation.

Membership will consist of:

  • Community Members (3-4): Representatives to collectively represent Moyne's creative community. Council may increase the number of sitting representatives at its discretion.
  • First Nations Representative (1): Either an appropriate organisation or community member
  • Youth Representative (1): A young person (aged 16-25) active in the arts or creative sector
  • Council Representatives (2): Staff or elected officials with relevant expertise
  • Other Stakeholders(1-2): Professionals with expertise in creative industry, infrastructure, or community funding
  • Members may only be added to the ACAG by Council
  • Additional persons may be invited to attend meetings at the discretion of the ACAG
  • All members represent the community interest and not individual or sectional interests


The meetings will be chaired by a representative from Council's Cultural Community Development team.

The ACAG chair is responsible for:

ensuring the good conduct of meetings in accordance with the role and functions of the ACAG

ensuring that the ACAG's recommendations and actions are in line with the Terms of Reference

represent the ACAG in discussions with Council

Terms and Vacancies

Membership term will be for two years.

If a member is absent for three consecutive meetings without a leave of absence the Council may appoint a replacement representative.

Co-opted members

Suitably skilled / experienced persons may be invited to join the ACAG in an advisory capacity, for a specified purpose and for a specified period.

Roles and Responsibilities

Advisory Group Members

Attend twice a year and additional sessions as required (no more than 4 times per year)

Understand relevant Council plans and policies, including the Arts and Culture Strategy 2024-2030

Provide constructive input and feedback on strategic initiatives

Act as ambassadors for arts and culture in Moyne Shire

Moyne Shire Council

Provide administrative support, including meeting coordination and distribution of materials.


Meeting Schedule

Meetings will be held twice a year with additional meetings convened as necessary, but no more than 4 per year.

Meetings may be in person or virtual, as agreed upon by the members.

Decision Making

The ACAG is not a decision-making body and does not require voting protocols or other decision-making mechanisms.


Moyne Shire Council will report recommendations and meeting outcomes through minutes prepared by the Chairperson or Council representative.


In the interests of transparency and project sensitivity the identity of each ACAG member may be made public. Individual exceptions may be made for protection of young people and those concerned about privacy.

Review and Evaluation

These Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually to ensure alignment with the evolving needs of the Moyne Shire Arts and Culture Strategy.

Model Code of Conduct for Advisory Group

a) All members of the ACAG are required to observe Council's Code of Conduct and any other policy or requirement applicable to the proper functioning of the group.

b) All members of the ACAG shall comply with Council's Child Safe Policy and uphold the commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children and the prevention of child abuse. As a volunteer, ACAG members fall under the Reportable Conduct Legislation

c) All members shall act in a professional and responsible manner with the information they obtain.

d) All members must respect each other (often despite differences) and work together to create an open and trusting atmosphere. The group requires openness and honesty in order to function well and members should feel free to express their opinions and views without fear of recrimination.

e) A breach of the Terms of Reference and/or Code of Conduct may lead to the member being removed from the ACAG by the Chair.

f) Members of the ACAG do not have the authority to make representations to the media on Council or the ACAG's behalf. In accordance with Council's Media Policy, the Mayor is the only person permitted to speak to the media on behalf of the Council and the Group.

g) Conflicts of Interest: Council recognises that community representatives join such groups because of special interests they may have, and Council welcomes their expertise. Nevertheless, it is important that Council understands the basis of advice it receives from the ACAG, so members will be requested to declare any organisation they may represent. Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest, or perceived Conflicts of Interest particularly pecuniary interests, need to be made by members of the ACAG and recorded in the minutes in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

h) Confidentiality and Privacy: Members may have contact with confidential or personal information retained by Council. If so, members are required to maintain the security of any confidential or personal information and not access, use or remove any information, unless the member is authorised to do so.

Council Values

All members of the ACAG are expected to observe Moyne Shire Council Values outlined below:

  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Trust
  • Respect
  • Collaboration

Contact Details

Councils Cultural Community Development team is responsible for managing the Advisory Group and will be the primary point of contact for members on Advisory related matters.

Staff Contacts

Rebecca Elmes Arts and Culture Officer  1300 656 564

Jacqui Anderton Manager, Cultural Community Development  1300 656 564