Youth Showcase
Published on 11 August 2023
The 2023 Warrnambool & Moyne Youth Showcase will spring into life in September as part of Victorian Youth Fest.
The Showcase is a partnership between the Moyne Youth Art Collective and Warrnambool FReeZA and celebrates art in all forms - visual, performance, music, design, film, photography and more.
Moyne Shire Mayor, Cr Karen Foster said Youth Showcase is a wonderful chance for young people to share their talents.
“It’s a celebration for people aged 25 years and under who want to showcase their talents, connect with other young people and promote themselves,” said Cr Foster.
“We’re looking for visual artists and/or content creators of all types of media for the Moyne Virtual Gallery - Youth Showcase exhibition, a digital space that presents artworks online.
We’re seeking stall holders for the Young Makers’ Market on September 23, which gives creative young entrepreneurs a platform to sell their wares.
And we’re calling out for performers for Youth Showcase events, including musos, dancers/dance groups, roving performers, aerialists, DJs, spoken word artists and more.”
Applications and registrations of interest can be made online at:
The Youth Showcase is supported by the Victorian Government.