Warrnambool Cup to remain a holiday in Moyne

Published on 19 December 2023


The first Thursday in May will be a Public Holiday in Moyne again in 2024.

Councillors have again elected Warrnambool Cup Day as the day the municipality will take in lieu of Melbourne Cup Day.

Mayor Cr Ian Smith said the State Government gave council’s a choice to take a local date of significance instead of the Melbourne Cup.

“Since 2009, Moyne has taken the Warrnambool Cup as a public holiday,” he said.

“We have chosen this day given the status of the Warrnambool Cup and May Racing Carnival as a major regional event and because of the connections between our communities and services offered in the Warrnambool City Council Area.

“Warrnambool City Council will also take Warrnambool Cup day as their holiday and due to the proximity of Warrnambool and the overlap of Moyne residents attending secondary schools, childcare and employment in Warrnambool, it makes sense for us to take it as a public holiday as well.”

Council officers will now notify the Minister for Small Business of the decision and ask for it to be placed in the Government Gazette. 


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