Small business energy efficiency workshop

Published on 25 August 2023

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In response to the mounting pressures of rising energy costs, Moyne Shire Council is pleased to announce a free event aimed at alleviating the strain on local businesses.

The "Eco-Smart Business: Boosting Energy Efficiency and Cutting Costs" workshop is designed to equip small businesses with practical tools and strategies to reduce energy expenses and enhance overall energy efficiency.

The workshop will cover topics such as how to get the best energy deal, how to reduce energy usage, saving money by switching off, upgrading & replacing appliances, rebates & grants, and options for getting off gas.

Mayor, Cr Karen Foster said Council was always looking for new ways to provide businesses with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in these challenging times.

"By hosting this free energy efficiency workshop, we aim to empower our small businesses to take control of their energy usage, reduce costs, and contribute to a more sustainable future," Cr Foster said.

“The workshop is free of charge, and we urge interested small business owners to register early due to limited availability.”

Event:            Eco-Smart Business: Boosting Energy Efficiency and Cutting Costs
Date:              Thursday 7 September
Time:             10:00 – 11:30am
Location:       Port Fairy Yacht Club
Hosted by:    Moyne Shire Council
Presenter:     Natasha Mills – Energy Efficiency Officer, Moyne Shire Council

To secure a spot, visit: 

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