Road management plan for Moyne Shire

Published on 25 March 2025

Moyne Shire Council has endorsed a motion to seek community feedback on its 2025 Road Management Plan (RMP).

The purpose of the RMP is to ensure Council meets the requirements of the State Government’s Road Management Act (Regulations) 2016, and to make clear which roads are managed by Moyne Shire.

Mayor, Cr Karen Foster said Council has also published its Register of Public Roads in conjunction with the RMP as they must be read together.

“The register records road names and locality, dates on which they were declared, and the classification of the roads and how they will be managed in association with other road authorities,” said Cr Foster.

“These are important documents that have an impact on daily life for all our road users. We do encourage community, visitor and industry feedback to the plan,” she said.

“The plan establishes a systematic way in which we manage our roads, in addition to community feedback.”

“A key purpose of the RMP is to establish performance standards around road inspections and repairs, and to clarify which bodies are responsible for each of the roads in our shire,” she said.

“It helps us consider affordability, available resources and risk management when planning how we look after our roads,” she said.

“As required under the regulations we have set achievable standards to meet road users’ needs and our community’s reasonable expectations of day-to-day maintenance.”

Council will make the plan available for viewing and public comment, with notification to the community via newspapers, local newsletters and social media.

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