Overdue ratepayers urged to contact Council

Published on 28 August 2024

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Moyne ratepayers who have not yet paid their 2023/24 rates are being urged to contact Council to discuss payment options.

Mayor Cr Ian Smith said it was clear that some ratepayers were experiencing financial difficulties, with tough farming conditions being a contributing factor.

“We acknowledge how hard it has been for those in the agricultural sector given the seasonal conditions,” said Cr Smith.

“We want to talk with ratepayers who have outstanding rates bills, so we can work out a plan to avoid debt collection costs.

“Unfortunately, non-payment of rates eventually leads to extra burdens on all ratepayers, and will incur an interest charge,” he said.

2024/25 rate notices to be issued to ratepayers in early September 2024 will include the amount of any arrear rates.

Cr Smith urged those who might be experiencing payment difficulty to contact Moyne Shire’s Rates Unit on 1300 656 564.

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