Moyne Shire conducts a loo review
Published on 25 March 2025
Moyne Shire has completed a review of the 26 public toilet facilities it owns or manages across the shire.
The Public Amenities Service Review was undertaken to inform future investment in these critical community assets, some of which are up to 50 years old.
Mayor, Cr Karen Foster said the draft review highlights the top priorities and proposes a ten-year action plan for managing and improving Moyne’s public amenities.
“There have been a number of compliance and community changes since the previous review, including changes in disability access requirements, discrimination and other society-based legislation,” said Cr Foster.
“Council is now seeking community submissions and comments on the draft Public Amenities Service Review, which will be considered when developing the final report,” she said.
“At times we all depend on using public toilets and know what it’s like to find a facility that needs attention.”
“We invite all users of our public toilets including local residents, visitors and tourists to let us know their thoughts on our current facilities, and what they see as the top priorities from our review.”
Submissions and comments can be provided in several ways.
- Complete the online feedback form on Council's Engage Moyne website at
- Email a submission to marking the subject line “Public Amenities Service Review.”
- Mail a written submission to:
Public Amenities Service Review
Moyne Shire Council
PO Box 51
Port Fairy VIC 3284
Submissions are open from Tuesday 25 March and close at 5pm on Monday 21 April 2025.