Full steam ahead for Koroit township renewal
Published on 24 January 2025
Moyne Shire has been successful in its application to the Federal Government's Growing Regions fund. $2 Million has been unlocked to complete stage 3 of the Koroit Township Renewal project, which will be matched by $2 Million from Council.
Stage 3 of the project will see further streetscape and amenity upgrade works on Commercial Road on the southern side between Mickey Bourkes and the Koroit Theatre, and road, car parking, footpath works and bus stop installation on High Street from Commercial Road to the Botanic Gardens area.
Mayor, Cr Karen Foster said after investing $2 Million on completing Stages 1 and 2, this project had remained Council’s number one capital works priority.
“Council recommitted in July 2024 to fund another $2 Million towards Stage 3 of the project, which strengthened our application to the Growing Regions fund,” said Cr Foster.
“These new works will further enhance the amenity, safety and useability of the central business and recreation areas for residents, businesses and visitors,” she said.
“We’re grateful to the Federal Government for this funding announcement, and to the people of Koroit for their patience.”
“Council’s Project Management Office will manage this next stage of the project, with works anticipated to commence in mid-2025.”