Council requests Planning Panel for C75

Published on 25 July 2023


Moyne Shire Councillors have requested the Minister for Planning appoint an Independent Planning Panel to hear submissions and provide direction on Planning Scheme Amendment C75 – Rivers Run Estate.  

The amendment, put forward by a private developer, proposes a planning scheme amendment to rezone land and to subdivide the land into 75 residential lots.

The amendment was exhibited over a period of six weeks between December 16, 2021 and January 31, 2022 with 89 submissions received. The amendment was placed on hold in February 2022, with further documents requested, which have now been provided to Council.

All submissions and Council’s responses will be submitted to the Panel should the Minister approve the request.  

Mayor Cr Karen Foster said an independent planning panel would hear the concerns raised in submissions and provide recommendations on how to best proceed with the amendment.

“Sending this to a panel to ensure the proposal and the submissions are reviewed independently is a sensible next step for this proposal and we hope the Minister for Planning will grant this request,” she said.

“A panel will give all parties an opportunity to have their views heard and will then provide a set of recommendations to Council. It’s the logical step for this proposal which has generated a significant level of community interest.”

As the amendment has been requested by a private developer, all costs associated with the amendment, including a panel if appointed will be the responsibility of the proponent. 


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