Council continues strong advocacy on State controlled roads

Published on 27 February 2024


Moyne Shire Council will seek the support of other Victorian Council’s to advocate for a percentage of Department of Transport budgets to be dedicated to regional roads.

Council will seek support for a motion it will move at the Municipal Association of Victoria State Council on May 17.

Mayor Cr Ian Smith said the condition of roads was the number one issue the community raised.

“Having minimum budget percentages and staffing levels for regional roads legislated would mean regional roads would get their fair share and would recognise how critical regional areas were to the state’s productivity and economy,” he said.

“We see significant improvement works happening in Melbourne and other areas while we are driving on state-controlled roads that are just not up to scratch, it feels like we are missing out and all funding is being directed to the city.

“The Heywood-Woolsthorpe Road is a key example – put simply it’s neglected and it’s dangerous for all users – but is a key freight route to the Port of Portland, critical to transport products which help boost the state’s economy. 

“You can’t help but feel we’ve been forgotten when you see huge new tunnels aimed at improving connections to the Port of Melbourne, but our key freight routes to our ports are falling apart.

“If we can put a united front to the Government, it will show them we are serious about seeing significant improvements to the state-controlled road network.”

Cr Smith said ensuring minimum budget allocations was a simple way to make a significant difference.

He said it was another phase of Moyne’s strong advocacy for road improvements – which has previously involved meetings with the Minister and key Department staff.

“We had the Minister visit last year and I think she saw firsthand there were serious issues with our roads,” Cr Smith said.

“We are not alone on this in the south-west, every corner of the state has issues with road condition, which leads to lower productivity and significant safety concerns.

“I’d really encourage other council’s, particularly those in rural and regional areas, to support this motion so we can get it on the MAV’s advocacy agenda to present a strong, united front.” 


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