Council adopts amendment C69

Published on 28 March 2023

Port Fairy Great Ocean RoadDJI_0232.jpg

Moyne Shire Councillors have voted to accept a planning panel's recommendations and adopt planning scheme amendment C69.  

Amendment C69 seeks to implement the recommendations of Port Fairy Coastal and Structure Plan making changes to zoning and overlays.

Deputy Mayor Cr Daniel Meade said Amendment C69 was a major piece of work which had now been through a significant level of consultation.

“The proposed amendment has been through two rounds of community exhibition and Councillors took on board all the submissions and decided to send it to an independent planning panel for further advice,” he said.

“That panel process gave objectors another chance to have their say and made 13 recommendations including a flood height of 0.8 metres in line with the state average.

“I thank the community for their input into this process, this amendment will responsibly guide future development in Port Fairy and the great shire of Moyne, so it was great to have such strong engagement with more than 120 submissions made.”

Cr Meade said Councillors also committed to working with the community on any future initiatives not a part of this amendment.

“Adopting this amendment doesn’t rule out future development in the future, we have committed to work with the community, in line with the relevant legislation, should any other proposal come forward into the future,” he said.

The amendment was exhibited for pubic feedback in 2021 and again in 2022 before going to a 13-day independent planning panel hearing in September and October of 2022.

The report showed broad support for the “big picture” and recommended some changes to the detail.

The Amendment proposed a 1.2 metre flood level based on local conditions and extensive modelling.  Most submissions and evidence favoured 0.8 metres based on the consistent application of State policy and its current application across the State. 

The panel also made several recommendations relating to specific zones and overlays council was proposing through the amendment, that unlocks growth for Port Fairy in designated areas

The amendment will now be sent to the Minister for Planning, The Hon. Sonya Kilkenny MP for her approval. 


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