Fears impact new ESVF levy will have on farmers, agricultural business

Published on 26 March 2025

Moyne Shire Council shares community concerns over the State Government’s proposed Emergency Services and Volunteers Fund Levy.

There are increasing fears that rural communities and those supporting agriculture will be disproportionately burdened at a time of significant cost of living, cost of doing business and prolonged drought pressures, along with recent bushfires.

At their Ordinary Council Meeting last month, Councillors endorsed a motion to the Municipal Association of Victoria outlining these concerns with the levy.

Mayor, Cr Karen Foster said Council today has resolved to contact the State Government to request a reassessment of the levy.

“The proposed levy does not seem to accord with the rating principles of equity, efficiency, benefit and capacity to pay,” said Cr Foster.

“We can see that people are already doing it tough.  For example, overdue rate payments to Council have increased by more than 60% over the last 2 years despite rate capping.”

“Council is particularly concerned about the impact on farmers and other rural businesses who will feel the impact of this levy profoundly.”

“To what extent has the original intent of the existing Fire Services Levy been retained within this proposed change?”

“If implemented, this significant change presents additional and complex duties upon local government, which Council is not resourced to do.” she said.

“Council encourages the State Government to hear the message from Moyne Shire, in particular our rural communities, and consider significant revisions to the Emergency Services and Volunteers Fund Levy proposed changes”.

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