A vision for the creative future of Moyne

Published on 17 May 2024


Council’s draft Arts and Culture Strategy is now open for community feedback.

This six-year strategy includes a vision for the creative future of Moyne and articulates what Council will do to support the growth and diversity of creative activities and opportunities across the Shire.

The draft strategy is the result of public forums engaging the community across the Shire, engagement with Traditional Owner representative bodies and stakeholders, and analysis of research from past strategic activities and engagement across the region.

Mayor, Cr Ian Smith said Council was grateful to all the community members who contributed their insights to the development of the Strategy, particularly the 12 members of the Project Advisory Group.

“Council’s goal is to support the Shire’s creative communities to achieve the collective vision for the creative life of the Shire,” he said.

“Implementation of the Strategy includes a series of programs and behind the scenes activities, as well as the appointment of an Arts and Culture Officer.

“The comprehensive Strategy includes short-, medium- and long-term goals, as well as governance and reporting guidelines.”

There are multiple ways for the community to have their say on the strategy, including at drop-in sessions, viewing hard copies at Customer Service Offices, responding via email or written mail, and online at Engage Moyne.

A copy of the draft strategy, and full details on how to provide feedback, can be found at:


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